Tender For Supply Of Pig Ai Consumables, Medicine And Supplements, Poultry Feeder And Waterer, Etc. During The Year 2024-25 - Piglet management kit (containing 15 items) Containing followings item Quantity Specification 1. Tooth clipper 1 8 cm stainless steel 2. Ear notching plier 1 Seamless finish, Elevated durability 3. Tag applicator (Allflex) 1 Premium quality 4. EarTags for pig (Allflex) 50 poly urethrenen tags 5. Tag Marker (Allflex) 1 Permanent marker to write in tags 6. Digital thermometer (Hicks) 1 7. Scissors 1 6" stainless steel, heavy duty 8. Forceps 1 6" stainless steel, heavy duty 9. Providone iodine ointment 1 20g 10. Cotton 1 20g 11. Dettol 1 60ml 12. Spirit 1 100ml 13. Iron dextran injection 1 10ml 14. Fenbendazole bolus 1.5g 12 15. Plastic box which can accommodate item no. 1 to 14 with pasted sticker (sticker size: 5" X 4", printed level "Piglet Management Kit, AICRP on Pig, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & AH, NDVSU, Jabalpur, MP") 1 Pig Farmers' First Aid Kit (containing 10 items) Containing followings Quantity Specification 1. Scissors 1 6" stainless steel 2. Forceps 1 6" stainless steel 3. Providone iodine ointment 1 20g 4. Cotton 1 20g 5. Dettol 1 60ml 6. Spirit 1 100ml 7. Himax ointment 1 50g 8. Digital thermometer (Hicks) 1 9. Fenbendazole bolus 1.5g 8 10. Plastic box which can accommodate item no. 1 to 9 with pasted sticker (sticker size: 5" X4", printed with "Piglet Farmers' First Aid Kit kit, AICRP on Pig, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & AH, NDVSU, Jabalpur, MP") 1 Iron dextran injection (50mg/ml) Iron dextran injection (100/ml) Himax ointment Himax ointment Ostocalcium Ostocalcium Ostocalcium Vimeral Vimeral Vimeral Injection Vitamin A,D3 Agrimin forte chelated Agrimin forte chelated Ointment Providone iodine Albendazole and Ivermectine suspension Fenbendazole and praziqunatal suspension Fenbendazole and praziqunatal suspension Fenbendazole and praziqunatal tablet Inj. Ivermectin Inj. Doramectin Inj. Doramectin Topicure spray Terpentine oil Terpentine oil D-Mag Spray Almizole lotion Head cap Show cover Mask (good quality) Hatch Up (male breeding efficiency enhancer) Bactosacc Powder Tag applicator (Allflex) EarTags for pig (freely movable)- polyurethene (Allflex) Tag Marker (Allflex) Pig mouth gag Pig holder for catching pigs Pig Milk Replacer Chick Waterer (Plastic) Chick Feeder (Plastic) Broiler Waterer (Plastic) Broiler Feeder (Plastic) Pig AI consumable items Non skid rubber mat 150x100 cm Blue cone V2 for collection Nitrile Collectis Liners for pig Vagina central part and connector for pig Blue Flexible Membrane - large opening Set of stainless steel ring for vagina tightening Black dummy for boar semen collection Vinyl Collection Glove Powder Free (per 2x100) Sensitive Red Glove 92 cm - (Per box) Filters Ø 240 mm (per 200) White thermos flask for boar semen handling (per unit) 400 ml graduated plastic beaker (per unit) Lid of 400 ml plastic beaker (per unit) 3 liters graduated plastic bucket (per unit) Dilbag 3 liters roll (per 50) NUTRIXCell Ultra - 1 liter PRIMXCell Ultra -1 liter GTB bag manu Golden Pig catheter single packing Golden Pig catheter (per 500 pieces) Golden Gilt catheter single pack Golden Gilt catheter (per 500 pieces) Universal flexible pig connector (per 20x25) B-LUBE gel 500 ml flask (per unit) Swine 100 ml flask with white plug (per unit) OB LUBE sterile gel (per unit)
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