Tender For Development Of Mayla Kund And Parasram Park Ward No 05 Newai - 1 WORKS 2 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth :Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 3 Brick work with bricks of class designation 75 in superstructure above plinth level upto two stories in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) for fountain 4 Cement plastering including T&P, scaffolding, material and complete labour, including cost of water, curing, racking of joints etc. with 20 mm cement plaster of mix : including Providing /mixing of synthetic fibers compulsorily complying with IS 16481:2022 of 06 mm/12 mm length to be mixed @ 0.25% by weight of Cement i.e. 125 gms per 50 kg Cement up to 900 gms per cum of Concrete/ mortar1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine/ coarse sand) 5 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade :New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including base coat of water proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm). 6 Painting on G.S. sheet with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade :New work (two or more coats) including a coat of approved steel primer but excluding a coat of mordant solution. 7 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works. 8 40 mm thick fine dressed stone flooring over 20 mm (average) thickbase of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) includingpointing with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) with anadmixture of pigment to match the shade of stone.Red sand stone 9 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centring and shuttering - All work upto plinth level : 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 10 Supplying, erecting and fixing in position specified precast RCC bench made of RCC grade M-30 consisting of 2 Nos. “L” shaped base support of thickness 100 mm back height 1000mm, front height 450 mm, base width 420mm and 5 Nos. RCC planks of size of 1500x100 x 50 mm and 1 Nos RCC planks of 150x200x50mm including joining all parts with galvanised nuts and bolts of suitable size. All bolts to be sealed after assembly with nice finish and appearance and level complete in all respect as per direction of engineer in-charge. Every bench should have a manufacturer’s logo of appropriate size Engraved at suitable place. 11 Providing and fixing Granite stone slab mirror polished and machineedge cut in walls, pillars, steps, Shelves, Sills Counters, Floors etc.laid on 12mm (Av.) thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3coarse sand) jointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1white cement :2 marble dust) with pigment to match the shade of the marble slabincluding grinding, rubbing and polishing complete.27.2.3 Green / Black27.2.3.1 Upto to 1500 Cm2 Tiles sqm 2170.00 12 Extra for providing edge moulding to 15-18mm thick marble/ Granite stone counters, Vanities etc. including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Granite Work 13 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated & unsheathed flexiblecopper conductor as per PWD specification for electrical Works withISI marked (IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wireshould be made from 99.90 % purity copper, class 5 stranding inacc. to IS:8130/IEC 60228 for lower watt loss , oxygen free for lesschances of oxidization, insulation PVC type A/C/D , flame retardantas per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per IS:3961 part 5, inexisting surface or recessed PVC/ MS conduit/casing cappingmaking connections with Copper Lugs of suitable size,Ferrules,testing etc. as required. OEM Must have its own in houseNABL lab setup for all testing facilities for wires. For additionaltechnical parameters of product / work refer Annexure "A" attachedwith this BSR 2 x 2.5 sq.mm 14 S&F following sizes (dia.) of ISI marked virgin material MMS (IS:9537 P - III ) PVC conduit along with ISI marked (IS:3419-1988)accessories as required in recess including cutting the wall,covering conduit and making good the same as required. Foradditional technical parameters of product / work refer Annexure "A"attached with this BSR 25 mm 15 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10kA breaking capacity (B/ C/D tripping characteristic as per type ofload and site requirement) 4 KV impulse withstand voltage, ISImarked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC60947-2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting ofclass 3 as per IEC, minimum phase termination capacity of35sq.mm. , conductor line load reversibility , IP 20 contact protectionand fitted in existing distribution board/sheets, minimum electricaloperation 20,000 upto 20 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80A & above rating including making connections, testing etc. asrequired. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediatedlab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer incharge. For additional technical parameters of product / work referAnnexure "A" attached with this BSRSingle pole MCB 6 A to 32 A rating 16 Supply and erection of Galvanized Iron pole with galvanizing done in single dipping (Average coating thickness Minimum 65 Microns) continuously tapered poles having Octagonal / Circular crosssections designed to withstand the maximum wind speed as per IS 875, The pole shaft shall be made from sheet steel (HT Steel Conforming to grade S355JO) and confirming to BSEN 10025 and shall be continuously tapered with single longitudinal welding. There shall not be any circumferential welding. The welding of pole shaftshall be done by Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process. pole shafts shall be provided with the rigid flange plate of suitable thickness (Fe 410 conforming to IS 226 / IS 2062) with provision for fixing 4 no. foundation bolts, This base plate shall be fillet welded to the pole shaft at two locations i.e. from inside and outside.The octagonal Poles shall have lockable door of approximate 500 mm length at the elevation of 500 mm from the Base plate withbakelite sheethaving 6A SP MCB and 16 sqmm stud type connector ( 4 nos) inside the pole at door opening for cable connection of following length and dimension as per table P-01 with base plate and foundation bolt on the Existing cement concrete foundation.All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . Poles with Octagonal Cross Section 7Mtr 17 Supply, Erection and Fixing of hot dipped galvanised M.S. Overhang(48.3 X 3.25 mm) with cap (400 x 88.9 / 114.3 x 3.25 mm) over theexisting poles. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. Foradditional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure"A" attached with this BSR . Single arm overhang 18 Providing & Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed UnArrmoured Aluminium cable confirming to IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P -I of 1.1 KV with H4- Grade electrolytic aluminium conductorconfirming to IS 8130 of purity >99.6 %, Inner / outer sheathconfirming to IS:5831 in existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / PVCpipe/ open duct/cable trench / Cable tray (with cable tie) includingtesting etc. as required of following size. OEM must have it"s own inhouse NABL accrediated Laboratory for testing procedure as perIS:10810. For additional technical parameters of product / work referAnnexure "A" attached with this BSR 10.0 Sq. mm 2 core 19 Providing & Fixing of IK08, IP 66 protected LED Street LightLuminaire on existing bracket/pole. Fixture made of powder coatedsingle piece pressure die cast aluminum material with heatdissipation fins on housing with UV stabilized PC (UV stablizationreport submitted for UV cover ) /Toughened Glass cover andsecondary lens on each LED & should be SMD type of 3 to 5 watteach . The System efficacy >=125 lm/ wt and potted driver & has aunique BIS R number with Input Voltage AC 120 to 270 V AC withHigh voltage Cutoff @>=300 V AC and Auto resetting Safety ,Power Factor >0.95 driver Efficiency >85% ,THD(I) <10% Humidity10% to 90% RH Working Temp -5C to 45C . driver current <750mA.The luminaire shall be BIS certified and Trade mark certified. LifeExpectancy Equal or more than 50000 burning hrs with Minimum70% lumen maintened , CRI >70 and CCT 5700K +355K. Surgeprotection shall be min ≥ 4 KV internal and min 10 KV external insidedriver compartment. driver should be Phase to phase protection of440 V for 4 Hrs. Manufactures Word Mark/NameEngraved/Embossing on die cast housing to allowtraceability/authenticity. Fixture shall be AS PER IS 10322Complianced.OEM Must have its own in house NABL lab setup forall testing facilities for LED fixtures. (LM79/LM80) Certificate/report with liable warranty of product/accessories from OEM shall besubmitted. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. Foradditional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure"A" attached with this BSR .LED Street Light fixture with Minimum lumen output 15000 lm 20 P & F of IP 55 protected light controlled switch based on infrared sensing and daylight with built in over load protection, timer to switch OFF at preselected time. Switch shall have 7 day power backup without hampering of preset time and over ride facility for maintenance purpose Suitable for 3 kw load direct lighting load (single phase) 21 Providing & Fixing of mechanical / digital time switch havingfollowing day / week programme and minimum 100 hours reserveand AC1 rating of 16-20 amperes including making connection,programming conforming to IEC 60730-1 and 60730-2-7 etc. asrequired. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. Foradditional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure"A" attached with this BSR . One day reserve (Analog type ) 22 Providing & Fixing of AC operated heavy duty 230 /440 Volt powercontactor as per PWD specification for electrical Works, ISI markedIS/IEC 60947-4-1 : 2000 having provision of mechanical interlocking,auxilary contacts, Din rail mounting type including makingconnections, testing etc. as required. All as per pre approved byEngineer in-charge. For additional technical parameters of products/work , refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR .4 pole Power contactors with following AC 1 Rating16 Amp. 23 Providing & Fixing of 110/220 V, unibody LED Indicating lamp IEC60947 with integral circuit, IP 65 above panel & IP 20 terminalblock, Approx. body dia for panel not less then 20 mm, length min.50mm, front LED cover dia min. 29 mm, contact material phospherbronze for Led, PCB contacts shall be of brass (tin plated), impulsedielectric tested for 2.5 KV, Rated insulation resistance shall be 100M ohm at 500VDC including connection etc. as required. All as perpre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technicalparameters of products/ work , refer Annexure "A" attached withthis BSR . Red/yellow/Green colour 24 Blue / white Colour 25 Providing & Fixing of IS: 13875 & IEC :61326 confirming LED Digitaltype (up to 500) V range Volt meter / Direct- Ammeter / CT oertatedammeter/ Frequency meter / KWH meter / Multi Function Meter /Power analyzer of class 1 accuracy as per IS : 1248 of size 96mm x96 mm including making connection by PVC insulated copperconductor with PVC sleeves / channel etc. as required. All as perpre approved by Engineer in-charge. For additional technicalparameters of products/ work , refer Annexure "A" attached withthis BSR .Three phase AMP+HZ+PF+KW+KVA+KVAR+T.ENERGY+THD-I, THD-V & RUN HRS 26 Supplying and fixing of Aluminium (IEC 60105 ISO 209-1,2) /Copper (IEC 60028) bus bar by means of SMC / DMC type insulatorwith standard short circuit withstand capacity , high tensile nutsand bolts spring washers in existing panel including bending , cuttingin required shape and size and colour coding with heat shrinkablePVC sleeves. All as per pre approved by Engineer in-charge. Foradditional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure"A" attached with this BSR .Electrolytic grade Aluminium bus bar 6010 grade 27 SITC of IP-42 and general construction confirming to IS:8623 : 1993,wall/ free standing floor mounted dust and vermin proofcompartmentalised cubical panel as specifications and Otherparameters required as per point (a) ,(b), (c),(d), (e), (f), (g), (h) asbelow:-(a)Thickness of CRCA sheet shall be 2.0 mm, cable alleycompartments having concealed hinged type doors with key typelock with / without detachable extension type structure. Removable3 mm. thick sheet steel gland plates with appropriate size ofknockouts for cables shall be provided(b)complete panel shall undergo a process of degreasing, Waterrinsing, Activation, derusting, pickling in acid bath, phosphatising &shall be subjected to nine tank process and then Powder coated withapproved shade of minimum 70 microns on both side of panel. Thepanel having PE foam/ Neoprene rubber gasket of not less than3mm thickness ,required hardware , concealed hinged door with keytype locking arrangement for equipment/switchgear earthed with 2.5sq.mm braided copper wire.[c) Interconnection between bus bar and switchgears /cable shallbe rigidly supported and made out by flexible copper wires (up to 63amp ) and by solid bus bar (>63 amp ) . control wiring will be carriedout with 1.5 Sq.mm, Earth wire with 2.5 Sq.mm and CT with 2.5sq.mm flexible copper wire only. All joints / interconnections ofcopper bus bar shall be dully tinned . Clearance between main busbar and risers / metal parts shall be at least 10 mm additional towidth of bus bar Bus bar is insulated by Heat Shrinkable sleeves .Earth and Neutral bus bar shall be half of the size of phase bus bar.( Cost of Bus bar / Flexible wire for Interconnection between Mainbusbar and Switchgear is to be Paid Extra )(d)Wiring between components within switchgear and Incoming /outgoing cable shall be done through the terminal block only. Directconnection shall not be permitted. Each terminal block shall be onepiece moulded, barrier type, 650 volt grade, complete with washers,heads, studs with two nuts and identification strips and shall haveadequate continuous current rating. For tap-offs, adjacent terminalswith shorting strips shall be used. 10% Spare terminal blocks shallbe provided. Wire identification on marking strip shall correspond tothe designation of the wiring diagrams. All wire terminals on theequipment shall also be marked with designation corresponding tothose of the wiring diagram.(e)All wiring shall be enclosed in plastic channels and neatlybunched and closed in metering chamber, Wiring between terminalsof various devices shall be ‘point to point’ (no wire splitting or teeconnections) with wires neatly trucked along the back of the panels,adequately supported to prevent sagging.(f)Floor mounted panel shall be mounted on Base frame of ISMCchannel size 100 x 50 x 5 mm ( to be paid Extra )(g) Tests: The insulation resistance (with 1000 V Megger) and Highvoltage Power frequency test (by applying a voltage of 2.5KV for oneminute) shall be measured between phases, between phase andneutral and between phase and earth. both before and after highvoltage power frequency test. The insulation resistance shall not beless than three megaohm. CT Secondary current injection test shallalso be carried out.(h) only outer surface area on all sides shall be measured & panel tobe fabricated only from CPRI approved fabricator only (CPRI Testcertificates to be submitted)All as per pre approved by Engineer incharge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , referAnnexure "A" attached with this BSR . 28 Providing & Fixing of 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of 10kA breaking capacity (B/ C/D tripping characteristic as per type ofload and site requirement) 4 KV impulse withstand voltage, ISImarked IS 8828(1996) / conforming to IEC 60898-1 2002, IEC60947-2, low watt losses, trip free mechanisum , energy limiting ofclass 3 as per IEC, minimum phase termination capacity of35sq.mm. , conductor line load reversibility , IP 20 contact protectionand fitted in existing distribution board/sheets, minimum electricaloperation 20,000 upto 20 A rating and 10,000 upto 63 A, 5000 for 80A & above rating including making connections, testing etc. asrequired. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediatedlab type test reports & All as per pre approved by Engineer incharge. For additional technical parameters of product / work referAnnexure "A" attached with this BSR Four pole MCB (With B/C curve tripping Characteristics) 40 A rating