Tender For Construction And Development Work Of Stadium At Govt Bangur Sr.Sec.School, Pali (Under District Minaral Foundation Trust) - CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT WORK OF STADIUM AT GOVT BANGUR SR.SEC.SCHOOL, PALI(UNDER DISTRICT MINARAL FOUNDATION TRUST) Sl. No. Item Description 1 Earth work in excavation in foundation, trenches manholes, road side chambers etc. including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, including getting out the excavated material, refilling after laying pipe / foundation and disposal of surplus excavated material at a lead upto 50m. suitable site as per direction of Engineer for following depths, below natural ground / Road top level. 2 Random Rubble stone masonry for with hard stone in foundation and plinth in Cement Sand mortar above 30 CM thick wall in: mm nominal size).Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1-Cement : 6-Sand). 3 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pit with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting by vibratory roller 8-10 tonne to meet requirement of table 300-2 including cost of compensation for earth taken from private land complete as per MoRT&H specification clause 305. (Lead taken upto 5 km) 4 Random Rubble stone masonry with hard stone in superstructure above plinth level and upto five level above 30cm. thick walls in:Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1-Cement : 6-Sand) 5 Add extra for Random Rubble stone masonry with hard stone in Square or Rectangular pillars 6.3.2 6 Supplying and Filling in plinth with blown sand under floorsincluding watering ramming consolidating and dressingcomplete including cost of sand. 7 Providing and laying in position specified grade of cement concrete for all RCC structural elements upto plinth level including curing, compaction, finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints and cost of plastizers( if required) excludingthe cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. M20 grade Nominal Mix / Design Mix 8 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for :Columns, pillars, posts and struts etc.:-Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates,anchorblocks,sills,chhajjas,lintel,beam, plinth beam etc. 9 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level.Thermo-mechanically Treated bars (Conforming of relevent IS code) 10 Cement plastering including T&P, scaffolding, material and complete labour, including cost of water, curing, racking of joints etc. with 25 mm cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine/ coarse sand) 11 Providing and laying damp-proof course with cement concrete grade M-150 (1 : 2 : 4) mortar prepared with 1% solution of water-proof compound complete as per specification .50mm thick. 12 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade including all scaffolding.New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including base coat of water proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm ). 13 Providing and fixing steel gate, grating , and grills made of angles, tees, square bars, flats,or black pipe with holdfast and fittings complete as per design and drawing including cutting welding and fabrication with priming coat of red oxid. Extra if square,rectangular hollow tubelar sections are used or grill made by flats only 14 Providing corrugated G.S. sheet roofing including vertical / curved surface fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead and including a coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on overlapping of sheets complete (upto any pitch in horizontal/ vertical or curved surfaces) excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape whenever required.0.80 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gm/m2 15 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 16 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches etc. not exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated soil 3m. clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around hume pipes/masonry in 15cm. Layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within a lead of 1000 metres.[MoRTH Specification : Clause 301,304].Ordinary Soil 17 Providing laying, spreading and compacting specified graded crushed stone in sub-base course including premixing the material at OMC in wet mix plant, carriage of mixed material, laying in uniform layers with motor grader, F.E.loader on a prepared surface and compacting with vibratory compactorto achieve the desired density including all material, labour, mach-nery, lighting barricading and maintenance of diversion complete.[MoRTH specification Clause 401] includiong 20 Km lead .b) For Grading II Material 18 Providing and laying in position cement concrete including curing compaction etc. of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering All up to plinth level IS 456-2000:1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate40mm nominal size). 19 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement (M-30 grade) over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 31.5 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. 20 Painting exterior surface of Wall with 100% acrylic exterior paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade with two or more coats including prepartion of base with sand papering, primer, putty, etc complete in all respect including scaffolding and safety provision New Work 21 Providing and fixing welded mesh/expanded metal mesh in frame work, flat iron beading 20x3mm including top cross laps inside and out sides welding, iron bolts, crews, clips etc. complete (excluding frame work) of size. Welded mesh 25 mmx 25 mm x 2.1 mm 22 Tennis Poles with net Complete in all respect 23 Providing and laying of paver block as per IS 15658 : 2006(Indian standard for precast concrete block for paving specification) and IRC : SP:63-2004M-30, 60 mm thick Category „C‟not denated on any it‟s faces like Hexagon, Rectangular, square shape as per IRC SP 63:2004 24 Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M-20 grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually,all complete as per MORTH specification Clause 408. Using Concrete Mixer 25 Supply & planting of shady plants (Neem, Peepal, Goolar, Jamun, Imli or other specified) along road side including the following activities :1) Preparation of soil including cleaning & removing of unwanted shurbs removal of stones & garbage.2) Supply of plant at site of two years of age & height more than 1.50 mtr.3) Supply of dry manure (Farm yard manure organic)4) Supply of insecticides5) Digging of pits size 60x60x60 cms. Including removal of stones, Manuring application of insecticides & watering at least 15 litre per plant after planting.6) Half brick circular tree guard in second class bricks, internal dia 1.25 meter and height1.20 meter above ground and 0.20 meter below ground, bottom two courses laid dry and top three courses in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) and the intermediate courses being in dry honey comb masonry, as per design complete.7) Watering to Plants.8) Maintenance of Plants by the contractor including of pits/bids preparation of Thavala Hoeing weeding etc. & application of intersecticides etc. & security. If the plant die during maintenance contractor has to replace same height plant at his own cost. 26 Supplying and fixing stone liri in CM 1:4 work facing with proper projection and chisel dressing of edges of stone two line dressing of building corners, jambs etc. including uniform joints using aluminium square section of size 12 mm to 15 mm as per requirement of course and width of stone not less than 12 Cm., with requisitenumber headers (minimum length of stone 0.9 M)7 to 10 cm. thick courses. thick including finsing face joint with white cement moartar and matching pigment. 27 Supplying and fixing Jodhpur machine cut stone Kadau in CM 1:4 with rock facing with proper projection and machine cut edges of stone, two line dressing of building corners, jambs etc. including uniform joints using aluminium square section of size 12 mm to 15 mm as per requirement of course and width of stone not less than 12 Cm., with reqisite humber headers (minimum length of sotne 0.9 M) 28 Pointing on stone masonry in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) :Deep groove pointing 29 Supply and fixing Jodhpur sand stone Machine cut Dash, Coping,sill,lintel fixed in cement sand mortar 1:4.9 cm (3.5") thick 30 Labour charges for soorsagar or equivalent white Ashlar stonecoping 15 Cm. thick with cutting, moulding and dressing asper old M.G.H. pattern 31 Construction of tubewell up to 100m depth and above toaccomodate housing and assembly pipe in all types ofalluvium strata by rotay drilling method with "code of practicefor construction and testing of tubewells (IS:2800 (Part-II) :1991 and IS:2800 (Part-II) :1979 both amended up to date)with supply of bail plug if necessary.The work will not includecost of housing pipe and strainer pipe assembly cost, graveland development work. Work would be deemed completedonly after obtaining sound free water during pumping.150 mm nominal bore 32 Supply of ERW M.S. black casing pipe ISI marked (IS:4270/1992) of grade Fe410 of following sizes at site of work. 33 SITC of Radial / mixed flow ISI marked water and anti-corrosive liquid filled submersible motor pump sets suitable for 100/150mm dia borewell. The size of adopter fixed on top of the motor should exceed the top of coupler , for safegaurd the coupler. The construction material of motor and pump should match IS: 8034 : 2018 and IS: 9283 guideline. The radial flow pumpset should operate at 5 star energy efficiency level of BEE and mixed flow pump set should operate at 3 star energy level of BEE, accompained by valid BEE certificate. Motor should be IE2 class as per IEC 60034-2-1: 2007, IEC 60034-30: 2008, & IS12615:2011 with required accessories including making connection suitable for Bore well. The job includes labour part of lowering of riser pipe G.I./ H.D.P.E. with rope, cables & pump, installation of complete fitting and accessories, jointing of electrical cables up to Starter. All labour for testing of submersible pumps set and supply of water to water mains, complete in all respect. OEM shall have submit NABL / CPRI / ERDA accrediated lab type test certificate before execution. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge---100 mm diameter Submersible pump shall have following HP Rating, phase, Head range, Discharge range respectively-- 3.0 HP, 1-Ø, (40 -170)Mtr, (60- 20) LPM Copper Wound 34 Providing & Fixing of HDPE pipe Confirming to IS:4984:2021 for water supply suitable for submersible & jet pump with required fittings ie socket, elbows, tee etc. complete in all respect. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. 50 mm OD 6 kg / cm2 35 S & F tube well cover of M.S.sheet (6mm thick) with nuts and bolts complete for casing size: 150mm dia 36 P/Laying ISI marked P.V.C. insulated submersible cable confirming to(IS:694) and as per IS 8130 : 2013 of 1.1 kV grade . Wire should be made from 99.90 % purity copper, stranding in acc. to IS:8130/IEC 60228 for lower watt loss , oxygen free for less chances of oxidization, insulation PVC type A/C/D , flame retardant as per IS 10810-53, better amperage rating as per IS:3961 part 5, existing pipe / open trench / Cable tray / on surface including making connection etc. as required. 4.0 Sq.mm 3 core flat / Round 37 Providing & Laying of Polypropylene rope Confirming to IS:5175 for submersible pump of following sizes. complete in all respect. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge. For additional technical parameters of products/ work , refer Annexure "A" attached with this BSR . 12mm (suitable up to 50 mm OD pipe) 38 SITC of Contactor OEM Fabricated DOL/Star-Delta Starter panel with switchgear selection as per Type-2 Cordinatiom Chart and made out from 1.6 mm thick powder coated CRCA sheet, enclosure comprising of over load protection relay, short circuit & single phasing protection, Illuminated ON / OFF push buttons, ammeter, voltmeter, indicating lamps etc. suitable for following rating motors complete in all respect. All as per pre approved by Engineer in charge.2 For Three phase Submersible / Mono block pump-- 3.0 HP to 5.0 HP ( Star / Delta starter