supply installation testing and commissioning Laproscopic Instrument Set (1 No)for Urology dept. of L.T.M.G. Hospital along with Standard accessories and CMC for five years after the completion of warranty of three years=high flow co2 gas 40ml /min or more insufflator , light source , 10 mm /30 degree telescope, 1. Johann multipurpose monopolar Grasping Forceps, size 5 mm, length 32 36 crrn, handle with rachet, with connector pln for unipolar coagulation -(Quantity - 1 in number) 2. Debakey grasping forcep Fine toothed Jaws, size 5 mm, length 32 36 crn, length of jaws: 33-36 mm, handle with rachet, -(Quantity- 1 In number) 3. ATRAUMATIC Grasping forceps, double action, size 5 mm, length 32 36cn, length of jaw 14-18 mm -(Quantity - 2 in number) 4 Right Angled Dissecting 90 degree angled and Grasping Forceps, double action jaws, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, rotating, size 5 mm/10rnm, length 32 36 cm, length of jaw 16-19mm, handle without ratchet -(Quantity - 1 in number) 5. Maryland Dissecting and Grasping Forceps, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, rotating, size S mm, length 32-36 cm, handle with ratchet - (Quantity - 2 in number) 6. METZENBAUM Sissors, double action, curved, rotating, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, size S mm, length 32-36 cm, length of jaw 17-20 mm, handle without ratchet- (Quantity -2 in number) 7. Mini - METZENBAUM Scissors, double action, curved, rotating, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, size 5 mm, length 32-36 cm, length of jaw 14-16 mm, handle without ratchet -(Quantity-1 in number) 8. Straight Scissors, double action, rotating, dismantling, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, size 5 mm, length 32- 36 cm, length of jaw 15-18 mm, handle without ratchet - (Quantity - 1 in number) 9. Dissecting-Electrode hook, size 5 mm, length 32-36 cm, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation -(Quantity -1 in number) 10. Johann Bipolar Coagulating Grasping Forceps, with connector pin for bipolar coagulation, rotating, size 5 mm, length 32-36 cm, - (Quantity - 1 in number) 11. Maryland Bipolar Dissection Grasping Forceps, with connector pin for bipolar coagulation, rotating, size 5 mm, length 32-36 cm- (Quantity - 1 in number) 12. Straight Needle holder Jaw, Straight, size: 5mm, length: 32-36cm-(Quantity -2 in number) 13. Suction Irrigation Handle with tube: Suction with Irrigation system should be designed to simplify assembly/disassembly and cleaning. Every component should be easily detachable and autoclavable, Distal holes, Size Smm, Length 32-36 mm (Quantity-3 in number) 14. Unipolar High frequency connecting cable-(Quantity-2 in number) 15. Bipolar High frequency Connecting Cable-(Quantity-2 in number) 16. Light Guide Cable- (Quantity-4 in number) It should have High resistance protection against mechanical and thermal stress,