Supplying Plants And Others Different Materials In Connection With Garden Maintenance At Central Park Under Saltlake Range Of Urf Division-Item of work P-259-Item-2 (PHO VOL-1) Supplying and stacking sludge (adequate for Horticulture work) at site in dry cake form from approved disposal work site including royalty, all lead and lift etc. (Sludge measured in stack will be reduced by 8%). P-108 11-Item-3 (Nursery Works) of FOREST 2019-20 Purchase of ingredients for gifferent materials required for forestry Operation including carriage upto 5 km b. Sand Compost e. Dry farmyard manure 1. Vermicompost g. Vermiculite h. Insecticides Fungicides Inorganic manure Organic manure Neem cake m. Growth hormoni P-261-item-9 (PND VOII) Supplying and Planting of different plant/trees (Supplying well grown plants bushy and healthy, minimum height as specifiede, exposed height including all leads & lift. carriage, handling, manuring, applying presticide and factiigerelc Furcaria veriegated 10-12 leaves in height 20-30cm in earthen pots of size 25cm iv) Rangon hi-breed healthy plant. vi) Duranta healthy plant of big size xix) Bougainvillea (name variety, bushy plants, full bloom) of height 90cm-60cm in cement pots of size 30cm. xx) Croton (broad leaves) 3-5 branches of height 90cm 120cm in cement pots of size 30cm xxv) Hibiscus Variegated of height 60 cm to 75 cm in earthen pots of size 25 cm Planters Round Terracotta Flower Pots or Plants Planter (Earthen pots & och saej, Ref Gem, as on 25.07.2024 Suply of Rose plant vide NIQ No. 292/GPW/WBFDC/2023-24, Date 13.03.2024 Rose (HT Varities) 3'-4' Rose (Floribunda Varities) 3'-4' Rose (Miniature Varities) 3'-4' 3 5
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