Supply, Fittings And Fixing Of Paver Block Platform(Play Equipment) At Play Ground, In Ward No -02, Under Kalyani Municipality.- 1 Paver Block Supplying & laying as per IRC-SP:063-2004 paver unit of any shade of approved quality as per relevant IS code, laid in pattern as directed in pavement, footpath, driveway (paver block only), etc including necessary underlay complete in all respect with all labour and material. [Border concrete if necessary to be paid separately]. Note: Sub-grade CBR should not be less than 5.(c) 50 mm thick interlocking designer concrete paver block M-35 grade for light-traffic zone,commercial & office complex, tourist resort as per IS: 15658-2006 (over 20-40 mm medium sand bed on 250mm thk WBM/ WMM base course & 250 mm thk bound gnaular /granular sub-base course including cost of sand for sand bed but excluding cost of base, sub-base course & subgrade preparation.) (i) Grey 2 cement concrete kerbs Providing and fixing at or near ground level precast cement concrete in kerbs (size: 450 mm x 350 mm x width 150 mm at bottom with bevelled nosing at top) of cement concreat M20 Grade without reinforcement, fixing as per approved pattern and setting in position at site after preparing the bed grade and slopes by laying Cement concrete with jhama khoa (1:4:8) as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge including filling of joints with 10 mm thick cement morter (3:1) and back filling the vertical piece properly with earth duly compacted and curing the morter joints for atleast 3 days including cost and carriage of all materials complete.Ref.Page -228, Item -8 ,PWD SOR Vol-I w. e. f. 1.11.2017 3 Add 18 % GST 4 Add 1 % Cess
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