Tender For Under Infrastructure Grant- Work-01 Repair/Beautification Work Of Municipal Office Premises - Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil(loam,clay or sand)including lift upto 1.50M and lead 30M and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenchesor into the space between building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer in chrge upto a distance of 30M from the foundation trenchesS.I. No.251(a) 2 Cartage of earth work in filling lead upto 08 km. distance from site complete work.(A.R.) 3 cement concrete with 4 cm gauge approved stone ballast coarse sand & cement in the proportion of 8:4:1 Including supply of all materials, labour, tools & plant etc. required for proper completion of the work. As per S.I. No. 281 4 M-150 Brick work in cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 (1cement and 4 Coarse sand ) of 2.20 FM in foundation & plinth including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc required for propercomletion of the work.as per S.I.No. 305(a) 5 M-150 Brick work in cement mortar in proportion pf 1:4 (1cement and 4 coarse sand) in super structure including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc required for propercomletion of the work.as per S.I.No. (305a+309+310) 6 12mm thick plaster with cement and Coarse sand of 1.25 fineness modules in 1:4 over brick work minumum thickness not to be less than 1cm. Including supply of all materials, labour, tools & plant etc. required for proper completion of the work. As per S.I. No.584(New Item) 7 Add for extra labour and materials for plaster over rough surface of one brick wall. S.I.No. 596 8 cement concrete with 2 cm gauge approved stone ballast coarse sand & cement in the proportion of 4:2:1 Including supply of all materials, labour, tools & plant etc. required for proper completion of the work. As per S.I. No. 279a 9 RCC Work with cement,approved coarse sand @2 cm gauge approved stone grit in proportions of 1:2:4 in lintels of door & windows excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending, but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B.W.G.G.I binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc and supply of all materials,labour,tools & plants etc and supply of all materisals, labour,tools @plants etc required for proper completition of the work including cost of binding wire. The raet excludes making of drip course which shall be paid extra. S.I. No. 284 10 M.S. (tor steel or plain) in plain work such as R.C.C. or R.B. work including bending for proper shape and including supply of steel & its wastage, bend hooks and authorised overlapping shall be measured and including cost of binding wire. A.R 11 Stone tile work for wall lining upto 10 m height with special adhesive over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing in white cement with an admixture of pigment to match the stone shade.8mm thick (mirror polished and machine cut edge)Granite stone of any colour and shade D.S.R No. 12 S/F of 6mm chite white glazed tiles in wall in skirting or dado laid with 1:3 cement and approved coarse sand mortar finished with cement slurry jointing and polishing complete including supply of all materials,labour and tools and plants S.I No. 628 13 P/L (white/color) vitrified floor tiles 600X600 flooring over 20mm (av) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement and 4 C sand) laid and jointed with white cement with white pigment slurry including rubbing polishing comp. (As per S.I.No. 632-4) 14 Providing wall putty on new surface with approved quality material of berger / J.K./ Birla or similar make 2 coatsS.I.662 new item 15 Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20kg/10 sqm D.S.R 13.45 16 Providing and applying theme paint with spary polish Paint on old Surface for Wall Painting includingpaint, putty, labour T&P all Complete M.R 17 25 mm wooden planking, tongued and grooved in flooring, including fixing with iron screws complete with :Second class teak wood D.S.R. 11.33.1 18 Providing and fixing false ceiling at all heights with integral densified calcium silicate reinforced with fibre and natural filler false ceiling tiles of Size 595x595 mm of approved texture, design and patterns having NRC (Noise Reduction coefficient) of 0.50 (minimum) as per IS 8225:1987, Light reflectance of 85% (minimum). Non combustible as per BS:476 (part-4), fire performance as per BS:476 (part 6 &7), humidity resistance of 100%, thermal conductivity < 0.043 W/m Kas per ASTM 518:1991,in true horizontal level suspended on inter-locking metal powder coatedT-Grid of hot dipped galvanised iron section of 0.40 mm thick on Silhouette profile,rotary stiched double webbed white with 6mm reveal profile (white/black),comprising ofmain-Trunners of size 15x42mm of length 3000 mm, cross - T of size 15x42 mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross-Tof size 15x42 mm of length 600mm to form grid module of size 600 x 600 mm, suspended from ceiling using galvanised mild steel items (galvanizing @ 80 grams per sqm)i.e. 50 mm long, 8 mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm dia fully threaded hanger rod upto 1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm. Galvanised iron perimeter wall angle of size 22x19x0.40 mm of length 3000 mm to be fixed on periphery wall / partition with the help of plastic rawl plugs at 450 mm center to center and 40mm long dry wall S.S screws. The work shall be carried out as per specifications, drawing and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.With 15 mm thick integral densified micro edge light weight calcium silicate false ceiling tiles 19 Providing and fixing, in position concealed G.I. section for wall paneling using board of required thickness fixed on the "W" profile (0.55 mm thick) having a knurled web of 51.55 mm and two flanges of 26 mm each with lips of 10.55 mm, placed @ 610 mm C/C in perimeter channel having one flange of 20 mm and another flange of 30 mm with thickness of0.55 mm and web of length 27 mm. Perimeter channel is fixed on the floor and the ceiling with the nylon sleeves @ 610 mm C/C with fully threaded self-tapping dry wall screws. Board is fixed to the "W" profile with 25 mm countersunk ribbed head screws @ 200 mm C/C., all complete as per the drawing & directions of engineer-in-charge, the joints of the boards are finished with specially formulated jointing compound and 48mm wide jointing tape to provide seamless finish.Tapered edge calcium silicate board made with calcareous & siliceous materials reinforced with cellulose fiber manufactured through autoclaving process to give stable crystalline structure with compressive strength 225 kg/ sq.cm, Bending strength 100 kg/sq.cm. 10mm thick D.S.R. 20 Providing and fixing P.V.C, pipe with fitting complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge S.I. No. 33 (Material Rate)110" mm dia 21 90" dia P.V.C. pipe 22 Providing and fixing brass bib cock of approved quality 15 mm nominal bore. DSR 18.15.1 for 15 mm bore 23 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve 15mm nominal bore DSR 18.53.1 for 15 mm 24 Supply and fixing of door (India) commercial shutter 32mm thick including supply and fixing of wooden cheats and stops and including fixing of wooden cleats and stops and inccluding fixing & adjustment of hinges ,bolts,locks,handle spring and or other fitting but excluding their supply and including painting with two coats of black japan on all iron fitting if necessary S.I No. 471(a) 25 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white vitreous china flushing cistern & C.P. flush bend with fittings & C.I. brackets, 40 mm flush bend, overflow arrangement with specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required :D.S.R. no. 17.3.1 26 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel AISI-304(18/8) Round basin 405x355 mm with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap DSR17.7.10 27 P/F PVC waste pipe for single wash basin incuding PVC waste fitting comp 32 mm DSR17.28.2.1 28 Supply and fixing of stop cock D.S.R. No. 18.52.1 29 Providing and fixing rectangular high density polyethylene water storage loft tank with cover, conforming to ISI : 12701, colour of opaque white or as approved by Engineer-in-charge. The rate includes making necessary holes for inlet, outlet & over flow pipes. The base support i/c fittings & fixtures for tank shall be paid separately. 30 Mild steel or iron work in heavy size such as trusses, build up gates record racks, roof work, gates etc wrought to required from including drilling holes riveting or welding where necessary and their fixing required for propercompletion of the workS.I. No.503 31 Cartage of S/E malva upto 03km distance from site (A.R.)