A one -time injection needle for the UZ Orsha CPU,A one -time injection needle for the UZ Orsha CPU,Reusable biopsy forceps for a gastroscope for UZ Orsha CPU,Reusable biopsy forceps for the colonoscope for the UZ Orsha CPU,One -time hemostatic clamp for the UZ Orsha CPU,Loop for polypectomy disparate for UZ Orsha CPU,Loop for polypectomy disparate for UZ Orsha CPU,Conductor for papillosfinkterotoma for UZ Orsha CPU,One -time papillosfinkterot for UZ Orsha CPU,Cytological single brush for UZ Orsha CPU,Set of brushes for cleaning channels and valves disposable for UZ Orsha CPU,Brush for cleaning biopsy channels disposable for UZ Orsha CPU,Disposable biopsy forceps for a gastroscope for the UZ Orsha CPU,Disposable biopsy forceps for the colonoscope for the UZ Orsha CPU,Endoscopic ligator with a reel to discharge of rings and a catheter for a thread for UZ Orsha CPU,Dilatation cylinders for UZ Orsha CPU,Dilatation cylinders for UZ Orsha CPU,Papillot needle for the UZ Orsha CPU,A one-time spray-chapeter for the UZ Orsha CPU,Brushes for cleaning the instrumental channel to flexible endoscopes for the canal of 2.8-3.8 mm for UZ VOKSTS,1,2
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