Pineapple - Characteristic Odor, Fruits Without Withered, Mold, Cracks Or Signs Of Deterioration., Saffron - Saffron 30G Package, Crystal Sugar - Sugar Crystal, 5Kg Packet. , 100% Natural., Peanut - Package With At Least 400G. Type 1, Peeled Group, Selected Subgroup, Middle Class. With Abicab., 14/02/2025, Cornstarch - Cornstarch, 500G Packet., Rice - White Rice, 5Kg Package. Type 1., Rice - Brown Rice. Type 1, Oats - Medium Flake Oats, 500G Packet., Banana - Silver Banana, Medium Ripening Degree, 1St Quality, Approximately 90 Gr The Unit, Predominance Of Yellow In The Shell., Potato - Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes - English Potato. New, Medium Size, Clean, Beetroot - Pot 250G., Brocolis - Medium Size Feet, Good Quality, No Stains., Cocoa Powder - 100% Cocoa. Package Of 200G, Cacetinho Bread - French Bread, 50 Grams Units Each, Closed Plastic Packaging, With Date Of Manufacture And Validity, The Bread Should Be New, Soft, Uniform (Equal Size) And Should Not Be Packed Hot. - Weekly Cock, French Bread, Coffee Powder - Coffee In Ground Powder. Package With 500G., Cinnamon - Cinnamon Powder, Without Additives. 30G Package, Cinnamon - Cinnamon On Stick, Packaging Weighing Between 28/30G, Onion - New, Whole, Healthy, Not Sprouted And Not Green. , Sadia., Colrau - 50G Packet., Cabbage - Cabbage -Floor Of Medium Size, India Clove - Packaging Weighing Between 15G -20G, Tomato Extract - Sachet 300G. Wheat - Flour, Enriched With Iron And Folic Acid, According To Current Legislation. 5Kg Package. Diary, 400G Package. With At Least 2, 5G Of Fiber Per Serving, Average Slices Of 25 Gr Each, Packaging In Non -Toxic Plastic, Containing The Name Of The Manufacturer, Date Of Manufacture And Validity, Lentils - 400G Package, Type 1, Apple - Apple Fugi 1St Quality Medium Size, With Sound Shell, Without Ruptures And Punches In The Shell., Papaya - Papaya Formosa, 1St Quality With Sound Shell, Without Ruptures And Blows In The Shell, With Size And Uniform Color, Must Be Well Developed And Mature And Present From 80% To 90% Ripening., Mango - 1St Quality And Presenting Size And Color Uniforms, Mass Angel Hair - 500G Packet, Dough - 500G Packet, Dough - Full Bolt Dough, 500G Package - Meal 400G Pot, Ingredients: Only Sugarcane Mood, Watermelon - Regular, Round, Smooth, Flat, Dirt Free, Parasites And Larvae, Uniform Size And Color, Well Developed And Mature, With Firm And Intact Pulp. , Melon - 1St Quality, Soybean Oil - 900Ml Package, Oregano - Dehydrated, 50 Gr Package, Eggs - Dozen, Medium Type, White, Inspected, Bread - Daily Sliced Bread, Date Of Manufacture And Validity. - 30G Package, Pear, Peppers - 1St Quality, Good Appearance, No Dirt, Popcorn - Popcorn Corn, Type 1. 400G Package, Sour Stroke, Sprinkle - Sweet Stroke, Mozzarella Cheese - Cold As Indicated By The Manufacturer, Thin Slices, Average 15 Gr Ca