Tenders are invited for Provision of Network Security Monitoring and Vulnerabilities Assessment Tool. 1. The Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL) hereby invites sealed bids from eligible bidders specialized in the field for submitting their best offers for provision of Network Security Monitoring and Vulnerabilities Assessment tools as indicated in detail in the supply of Requirements. 2. This tender is made of one (1) indivisible Lot and the participation is open on equal conditions to all companies specialized in the field. Bidding shall be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) method specified in the Procurement User Manual of REG as updated to date. 3. Tender Documents can be obtained on working days starting from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at EUCL Headquarter, KN82 ST Nyarugenge District, 1st Floor, Room N° G114, the Secretariat Office of the Procurement Management of EUCL, E-mail: procurement-eucl@eucl.reg.rw, onizeyimana@eucl.reg.rw upon presentation of a proof payment of a non-refundable fee of 10,000Rwf deposited to EUCL Account N° 2001161020000121 opened at NCBA Bank, Rwanda. 4. Well printed bids, properly bound and presented in two copies, of which one is the original copy must reach the Secretariat of the Procurement Management at the address mentioned below not later than 07/03/2025 at 10: 00a.m Late bids and electronics bids will be rejected and returned unopened.The bids should be well sealed and addressed to the following address: 6. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security of 4,000,000Frw Issued by a corresponding Rwandan financial institution as per format provided in the bidding document with the validity period of at least 150 days from the opening date of bids. Tender Link : https://jobs.newtimes.co.rw/
Contact Information
EUCL Headquarter Office’s 1st Floor, Room N° G114, at the Secretariat of the Procurement Management Kigali
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