Walker, Interferential Current Apparatus, Infrared Light Appliance, Shortwave Physiotherapy Apparatus, Air Conditioning, Cabinet, Moving Electric Secretion Vacuum Cleaner, Adult Anthropometric Scale, Stools, Parallel Bars For Physical Therapy, Pedal Bucket, Drinker/Refrigerated Purifier, Vertical Exercise Bicycle, Biombo, Chair, Adult Wheelchair, Obese Wheelchair, Pediatric Wheelchair, Proprioceptive Trampoline, Simple Stretcher Car, Computer (Desktop-Basic), Gallvanic-Streaming Electrostimulator, Bedding Elevator , Ladder With 3 Steps, Linear Gear Staircase (Without Ramp), Watering In Wood (Bar/Ling Staircase), Hand And Fingers, Fes, Multifunctional Laser Printer, Physiotherapy Laser, Auxiliary Table, Computer Desk, Negatoscope , In The Break, Pulse Oximeter, Podoscope, Proprioception Board, Television, Tens Fes, Clinical Thermometr, Whirlwind, Ultrasound For Physiotherapy, Ventilometer/Breathing