Acquisition Of Veterinary Medicines And Inputs To Meet The Need Of Sheltered Animals At The Ibama Wildlife Screening Center In Lorena/Sp.. Veterinary Material For Animal Health, Portable Monitor, Portable Monitor, Garrot, Veterinary Animal Health Material, Sterilization Packaging, Gravitational Venous Infusion Equipment, Gravitational Venous Infusion Equipus, Vascular Infusion Extender, Vascular Infusion Extender, Torneirinha, Collector Reservoir - Medical Use, Microtubo, Low Tongue, Veterinary Material For Animal Health, Vial - Almotolia Type, Bottle - Almotolia Type, Diagnostic / Therapeutic Apparatus, Dental Mandrel, High Rotation, Broker, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Needle Suture, Needled Suture Wire, Needled Suture, Needled Suture Wire, Needled Suture, Needled Suture, Tube For Biological Sample Collection, Biological Sample Collection Tube, Biological Sample Collection Tube, Biological Sample Collection Tube, Biological Sample Collection Tube, Biological Sample Collection Tube, Bandage, Bandage, Bandage, Surgical Glove, Probe Urinary Tract, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Deferm Brush, Disinfectant, Iodopovidone (Pvpi), Iodopovidone (Iodopovidone (Iodopovidona ( Pvpi), Hydrogen Peroxide (Hydrogen Peroxide), Chlorhexidine Diglucanate, Swab, Swab, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Gauze Compress, Gauze Compress, Sodium Dipyrone, Dipyrone, Nystatin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glucose, Multivitamins, Silimarin, Allantoin, Gentamycin, Chlorhexidine, Calcium Glyco, Animal Food Supplement, Ringer, Ringer, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Dressing / Roofing, Essential Fatty Acids, Toltazuril, Fipronyl, Albendazole, Retinol, Vitamin K, Calcium Glycone, Epinephrine, Xylazine Hydrochloride