Price Registration For The Acquisition Of Cleaning And Cleaning Materials To Meet The Needs Of The Central Campus And Other Fuern Campuses, Pursuant To The Table Below, According To Conditions And Requirements Set Forth In This Instrument.. Car Cleaning, Refill, Refill, Hydrochloric Acid, Bleach, Ethyl Alcohol Environments Cleaning, Ethyl Alcohol Cleaning Of Environments, Ethyl Alcohol, Bucket, Spray, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Refreshment Straw, Wax Floor, Basket Basket, Basket, Basket, Basket, Basket Basket Garbage, Garbage Collector, Container, Cleaning Paste, Disinfectant, Deodorant / Ambient Aromatizer, Sanitary Deodorizer, Soap Powder, Detergent, Hygienizer Dispenser, Toilet Paper Dispenser, Slide Slushing, General Cleaning, General Cleaning, Sponge, Sponge Cleaning , Disinfectant, Film Paper, Flannel, Flannel, Insecticide, Cleaning, Multipurpose Cleaning Solution, Trash, Garbage, Trash, Trash, Dumpster, Trash, Furniture, Rubber Glove, Rubber Glove, Rubber Glove, Safety, Hose, Hose, Hose, Hose, Hose, Hose Garden, Naphthalene, Essential Oil, Essential Oil, Almond Oil, Collector Junk, Garbage Collector, Cleaning, Cloth Dish, Cleaning, Toilet Paper, Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, Paper Towel, Paper Towel, Kerosene , Squeegee, Squeegee, Bar, Liquid Soap, Liquid Soap, Soap, Plastic Bag, Plastic Bag, Plastic Bag, Plastic Bag Garbage, Plastic Bag, Plastic Bag, Plastic Bag Trash, Garbage Bag, Bag, Bag, Saponaceous, Supporting Holder, Broom, Broom, Broom, Broom, Broom, Broom, Broom, Gardening Broom, Broom