Tender For Supply Of Glasswares, Chemicals - Acrylamide 1x cryst. Extra pure, 99.5% Agarose Low EEO for Molecular biology Ammonium Per salphate for electrophoresis, 99% BCIP (5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate) BCIP (5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate) Blood Genomic DNA Miniprep Purification Kit Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Fraction V 9816 Bradford Reagent for Proteins Chloroform Extra pure Coomassie Brilliant Blue Canada Balsam Cedarwood Oil Natural Chloroform extrapure, 99% Colchicine extrapure, 98% Dichlorobenzene DNA Ladder (100bp) DNA Ladder (1kb) DPX Mountant for histology EDTA EGTA Entomological pin-200 Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid Ethanol Glycine Gram's Safranine Solution Hematoxylin (Powder) Hematoxylin (Harris) Histopaque-1077 Leishman Solution Lugols lodine 1% Solution (Iodine-Potassium iodide solution) 2- Marcaptacthanal Methanol extrapure AR, 99.8% (Acetone free) Methyl Orange Monoclonal antibody kit (Anti A,B,D) Monoclonal antibody kit (Anti A.B.D) Naphthalene powder N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (TEMED) extrapure AR, 99% N,N'-Methylene Bisacrylamide 3x cryst extrapure AR, 99.5% (bis-Acrylamide) Normal saline Nonidea P40 Orcein PH Standard pH 4 PH Standard pH 7 PH Standard pH 9 Phenolphthalein Indicator 1% Soln Phenolphthalein Indicator 1% Soln Plasmid DNA Miniprep Purification Kit Potassium Acetate pure, 99% Potassium Ferricyanide extrapure, 98% Protenase K PCR Master Min pH Buffer 9. 7,4 Pointed forceps Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Rectified spirit Ringer's solution RNAse Schaudinn fixative Schaudinn fixative Sodium Acetate Anhydrous pure, 98% Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous pure, 99.5% Sodium Deoxycholate Sodium Deoxycholate Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate for molecular biology, 99% Sodam Imosulphate Anhydrous extra pure AR, 99.5% Silica bead Sodium Deoxycholate Tris Buffer Triton X-100 Xylene extra pure AR, 99.8% Alumunium Foil Beaker with Spout (10 ml.) Beaker with Spout (100 ml.) Beaker with Spout (25 ml.) Beaker with Spout (50 ml.) Battery run 20 watts. Bulb socket Brush Cover Slip Curboy with stopcock Desiccator, Camphor Graph Papers Insect envelop Airtight insect preservation Box-4 Micro Centrifuge Tube (1.5 ml.) Micro Centrifuge Tube (2 ml.) Micro Tips (0.2-10µl) Micro Tips(200-1000µl) Micro Tips (2-200μ) Narrow mouth wash bottle PCR Tubes (0.2 ml.) PCR Work Station Rack Rack for Micro Tube Slide White cloth light trap with strand Staining Box Sterile single use Syringe with needle (2ml.) Setting board-1 Tissue Roll Univy Mi Tip Box (2-20010 Universal Micro Тір Вох (0.2-10 Universal Micro Tip Box (200-1000μ) Amoelea Copepoda Rotifera Belostoma (Museum Specimen /insect) Bufo Chicken head Cockroach Drosophila dung beetle Fertilized Eggs Fish (Major carp (500-750 gm)) Honey bee Rohu Lata Magur/Singi Pigeon Pigeon Rat/Mice Rohu/ Mrigel/Bata Telapia
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