Supplying Working Materials Under Mregs Hattaraki Gotha To Odhyaparyant Rasta Khadikarnan Karnare Of Gijawane Tal Gadhinglaj Dist Kolhapur- 1 Item No 1 - Cleaning the sides of land as directed and removing he roos up to 20 cm circumference and disposing off all he materials up to a 10 m distance etc compelte 2 Item No 2 - Excavation in earth for all sort of soil strata to the specified section including satackint he excavaated stuff in a regular bund and disposing of unsutable or exess suff as directed all sorts soil 3 Item No 3- Supplying trap/granile qualtzies giness stone metal of required size by bringing the voulder rubble at the road side breaking them to required gradation including conveying the boundires 4 Item No 3-including conveying the boundires 5 Item No 4 - Supplying hard murum kankar at the road site inclueing conveying stacking etc 6 Item No 5 - Spreding hard soft murrum gravel or kankar fo side width complet 7 Item No 6 -Speding 60/80 mm soling & 40/60 mm metal on road fo side width including dressing to required section as directed by engineer in charge 8 Item No 7- Compacting the sub grade grave oversize metal layer for all width with poserr roller having weight 8 to 10 MT including necessary labour materials and articilaering complete 9 Item No 8 -Compacting the hard murum side with including laying in layer on each side with vibraory including artifical atering complee 10 Item 9 - Provding and laying cement concrete pipe of IS 458-2003 NP 2 Class of 800 mm dia in proper line level and slope 11 Item 11 -Exaavator (JCB JS 80) Capacity 0.90 cm 12 Item 12 -Providing and fixing board displaying information such as Name of Work Work Cost Work Completion and liability period etc 13 Material quality Contestin charges Basic Test Sieve Analysis for Metal 14 GST 18%
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Gijawane Tal Gadhinglaj Dist Kolhapur
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