SUPPLY OF Lab Equipments For Under Ddpu Colleges In Yadgiri - All Lab Equipments-1 Vernier callipers(LAB CTA) 6 2 Screw gauge(LAB CTA) 6 3 Spherometer(LAB CTA) 6 4 Beam balance(LAB CTA) 6 5 Concurrent forces in equilibrium set(LAB CTA) 3 6 Simple pendulum set(LAB CTA) 6 7 Coefficient of friction set(LAB CTA) 6 8 Inclined plane set(LAB CTA) 6 9 Spring constant set(LAB CTA) 6 10 Boyle s law set(LAB CTA) 3 11 thermometer(LAB CTA) 6 12 Viscosity set(LAB CTA) 6 13 Newton s law of cooling set(LAB CTA) 6 14 Sonometer set(LAB CTA) 3 15 Velocity of sound set(LAB CTA) 6 16 Specific heat set(LAB CTA) 6 17 Spherical body for vernier calipers(LAB CTA) 6 18 Regular block of known mass for vernier calipers(LAB CTA) 6 19 Cylindrical body for vernier calipers(LAB CTA) 6 20 Metal wire for screw gauge 10m(LAB CTA) 6 21 Metal sheet for screw gauge(LAB CTA) 6 22 Rectangular metal sheet for screw gauge(LAB CTA) 6 23 Watch glass for spherometer(LAB CTA) 12 24 Palne glass plate for spherometer(LAB CTA) 12 25 Weight box for beam balance(LAB CTA) 6 26 Spirit level(LAB CTA) 6 27 Slotted weights with hook(50g each)(LAB CTA) 6 28 Strong thread 20m(LAB CTA) 6 29 Thin mirror strips(LAB CTA) 12 30 Clamp stand for simple pendulum(LAB CTA) 6 31 Stop clock(LAB CTA) 6 32 Spherical bob with hook for simple pendulum(LAB CTA) 6 33 Metre scale(LAB CTA) 6 34 Capillary tubes box(LAB CTA) 6 35 Travelling microscope(LAB CTA) 3 36 Raising stand for surface tension(LAB CTA) 6 37 Reading lens(LAB CTA) 6 38 Ball pin for surface tension(LAB CTA) 6 39 Beaker 500ml(LAB CTA) 6 40 Beaker 200ml(LAB CTA) 6 41 Table lamp(LAB CTA) 6 42 Forceps(LAB CTA) 12 43 Calorimeter with lid(LAB CTA) 6 44 AC source battery 0 to 12 V(LAB CTA) 6 45 DC source battery 0 to 12 V(LAB CTA) 6 46 DC ammeter 0 to 5 V(LAB CTA) 6 47 DC voltmeter 0 to 5 V(LAB CTA) 6 48 Mili voltmeter DC/AC 0 to 500mv(LAB CTA) 6 49 Mili ammeter DC/AC 0 to 500mA(LAB CTA) 6 50 Micro ammeter 0 to 300A(LAB CTA) 6 51 Rheostats 20cm (100 ,2.3amps)(LAB CTA) 3 52 Resistance box (1 to 100)(LAB CTA) 6 53 Resistance box (1 to 1000)(LAB CTA) 6 54 Resistance box (1 to 5000)(LAB CTA) 3 55 Resistance box (1 to 10000)(LAB CTA) 3 56 Resistance wire(constantan)(LAB CTA) 6 57 Galvonometer (20A/Div)(LAB CTA) 6 58 Optical bench set(LAB CTA) 3 59 Convex lens (f 10cm)(LAB CTA) 12 60 Concave lens (f -15cm)(LAB CTA) 12 61 Concave mirror (f 20cm)(LAB CTA) 12 62 Convex mirror (f 10cm)(LAB CTA) 12 63 Plug keys(LAB CTA) 6 64 Semiconductor diods(LAB CTA) 6 65 Sonometer wire(LAB CTA) 6 66 Triangular glass prism(LAB CTA) 6 67 Refractive index of water using concave mirror and covex lens apparatus(LAB CTA) 6 68 connecting wire 20M(LAB CTA) 6 69 Banana clips(LAB CTA) 12 70 Crocodile clips(LAB CTA) 12 71 Glass slab 10mm(LAB CTA) 12 72 WATCH GLASS Dia 4(LAB CTA) 12 73 WATCH GLASS Dia 6(LAB CTA) 12 74 BUNSEN BURNER (Brass Pipe 150mm & dia.12mm)(LAB CTA) 6 75 BURETTE BRUSH (Nylon).(LAB CTA) 12 76 CHINA DISH (Porcelain)Dia 3(LAB CTA) 12 77 CRUCIBLE TONG (Stainless Steel), 8(LAB CTA) 12 78 FILTER PAPER PKT. (Doctor Watt Make), Dia 12.5cm(LAB CTA) 12 79 FUNNEL STAND (Wooden).(LAB CTA) 12 80 GLASS STIRRER(LAB CTA) 12 81 PESTLE & MORTAR (Porcelain), Dia 4(LAB CTA) 6 82 PESTLE & MORTAR (Porcelain), Dia 6(LAB CTA) 6 83 SPATULA (stainless steel) (Spoon Type), 6, Heavy Quality(LAB CTA) 12 84 SPIRIT LAMP (100ml), Brass(LAB CTA) 12 85 TEST TUBE (Borosilicate Glass) HARD GLASS, 15x125mm,10ml. Pk of 100(LAB CTA) 12 86 TEST TUBE BRUSH (Nylon).(LAB CTA) 12 87 TEST TUBE HOLDER (Wooden Handle), Iron Chrome Plated(LAB CTA) 12 88 TEST TUBE STAND (ROUND) 12 Hole(LAB CTA) 12 89 TEST TUBE STAND 6 Hole(LAB CTA) 12 90 TRIPOD STAND, 8(LAB CTA) 12 91 WIRE GAUGE, With Frame & Asbestos Centre(LAB CTA) 12 92 BEAKER Graduated, (Borosilicate Glass) 50 ml(LAB CTA) 12 93 BEAKER Graduated, (Borosilicate Glass) 100 ml(LAB CTA) 12 94 BEAKER Graduated, (Borosilicate Glass) 250 ml(LAB CTA) 12 95 BEAKER Graduated, (Borosilicate Glass) 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 96 FUNNEL, (Borosilicate Glass) 75mm(LAB CTA) 12 97 MEASURING CYLINDER (Round Base) (Borosilicate Glass) Without Stopper, 10 ml(LAB CTA) 12 98 MEASURING CYLINDER (Round Base) (Borosilicate Glass) Without Stopper, 25 ml(LAB CTA) 12 99 MEASURING CYLINDER (Round Base) (Borosilicate Glass) Without Stopper, 100 ml(LAB CTA) 12 100 MEASURING CYLINDER (Round Base) (Borosilicate Glass) Without Stopper, 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 101 MEASURING CYLINDER (Poly lab) Without Stopper, 1000 ml(LAB CTA) 12 102 MEASURING CYLINDER (Poly lab) Without Stopper, 2000 ml(LAB CTA) 6 103 MEASURING CYLINDER (Poly lab) Without Stopper, 5000 ml(LAB CTA) 6 104 PIPETTE GRADUATED, (Borosilicate Glass) 10 ml(LAB CTA) 12 105 PIPETTE GRADUATED, (Borosilicate Glass) 25 ml(LAB CTA) 12 106 PIPETTE, (Borosilicate Glass) 10 ml(LAB CTA) 12 107 PIPETTE, (Borosilicate Glass) 25 ml(LAB CTA) 12 108 REAGENT BOTTLE (Narrow Mouth), (Borosilicate Glass) 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 109 REAGENT BOTTLE (Narrow Mouth), (Borosilicate Glass) 5000 ml(LAB CTA) 6 110 SEPARATING FUNNEL, (Borosilicate Glass) 250 ml(LAB CTA) 6 111 VOLUMETRIC FLASK, (Borosilicate Glass) 100 ml(LAB CTA) 12 112 VOLUMETRIC FLASK, (Borosilicate Glass) 250 ml(LAB CTA) 6 113 VOLUMETRIC FLASK, (Borosilicate Glass) 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 114 VOLUMETRIC FLASK, (Borosilicate Glass) 1000 ml(LAB CTA) 6 115 FUNNEL, 75mm(LAB CTA) 12 116 KIPPS APPARATUS, , 500ml(LAB CTA) 6 117 PIPETTE STAND Horizontal for 12 Pipette(LAB CTA) 6 118 PIPETTE STAND Vertical for 28 Pipette(LAB CTA) 6 119 WASH BOTTLES POLYLAB, 250ml(LAB CTA) 12 120 RUBBER CORK EXTRA SOFT Size No. 9 Top Dia (mm) 28 Bottom Dia(mm)21.5(LAB CTA) 12 121 RUBBER CORK (EXTRA SOFT) Size No. 3, Top Dia (mm) 19, Bottom Dia (mm) 14(LAB CTA) 12 122 BEAKER TONG, 12 (Stainless Steel)(LAB CTA) 12 123 THERMOMETER (30cm Length), -10 to 110C, Mercury.(LAB CTA) 12 124 DROPPER Plastic (3ml) Graduated.(LAB CTA) 12 125 DROPPER GLASS WITH TEAT, RUBBER TEAT, 6(LAB CTA) 12 126 PERIODIC TABLE CHART, Modern Periodic Table, 75 x 100cm Raxine.(LAB CTA) 6 127 Digital Chemicals Balance sensitivity 0.1gm, Cap. 500 gm (LAB CTA) 6 128 Educational Raxine Charts (Size 75x100cm) CHEMISTRY GENERAL (White Raxine), Laboratory Safety Measures(LAB CTA) 6 129 Distilation Apparatus (Iron)(LAB CTA) 6 130 Drying Cones (Iron)(LAB CTA) 6 131 Pinch Cock(Iron)(LAB CTA) 12 132 Retort Stand with Ring and Clamp(LAB CTA) 6 133 Round File(LAB CTA) 12 134 Triangular Clay Pipes (Iron wire covered with clay)(LAB CTA) 12 135 Dessicator (400x400x465)(LAB CTA) 6 136 Glass rod (thick) (LAB CTA) 12 137 Plain white labels (LAB CTA) 12 138 Filter paper ordinary 12.5cm 100 Circles(LAB CTA) 12 139 Litmus blue indicator paper, 200 Is(LAB CTA) 12 140 Litmus red indicator paper, 200 Is(LAB CTA) 12 141 Indicator paper pH 1-14 (Full range), 200 Is(LAB CTA) 12 142 Hydrochloric acid (Thermocole pack) - 35%, 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 143 Sulphuric acid (Thermocole pack)-97 %, 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 144 Copper metal turnings - 99%, 100 gm(LAB CTA) 6 145 Zinc metal granulated A.R. - 99.9%(LAB CTA) 6 146 Aluminium sulphate - 98%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 147 Ammonium chloride - 99%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 148 Barium chloride - 99%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 6 149 Calcium chloride fused - 90%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 150 Calcium oxide powder - 90%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 151 Calcium hydroxide - 95%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 152 Calcium carbonate 500 g(LAB CTA) 12 153 Cupric sulphate (Copper sulphate)-98.5%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 6 154 Ferrous sulphate - 98%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 155 Sodium bicarbonate - 99%(LAB CTA) 12 156 Sodium carbonate anhydrous - 99.5%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 157 Sodium hydroxide flakes - 96%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 158 Sodium sulphate anhydrous - 99%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 159 Starch soluble, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 6 160 Sulphur powder - 99.5%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 161 Zinc sulphate - 99%, 500 gm(LAB CTA) 6 162 Zinc carbonate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 163 Zinc nitrate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 164 Ferrous sulphide sticks (FeS - 75%), 1 kg(LAB CTA) 6 165 Litmus blue solution, 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 166 Litmus red solution, 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 167 Universal indicator solution, 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 168 Acetic acid glacial - 99.5%, 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 169 Carbon disulphide - 99%, 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 170 Potassium dichromate 500 gm(LAB CTA) 6 171 Potassium permanganate 500 gm(LAB CTA) 6 172 Ferrous ammonium sulfate 500 gm(LAB CTA) 12 173 N 1/50 Silver nitrate 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 174 Nessler s reagent 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 175 Blue litmus solution. 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 176 Liquor Ammonia 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 177 Oxalic Acid 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 178 Silica Gel-G 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 179 Strontium nitrate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 180 Magnesium carbonate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 181 Magnesium chloride 500 g(LAB CTA) 12 182 Potassium nitrate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 183 Sodium sulfide 500 g(LAB CTA) 12 184 Lead acetate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 185 Potassium iodide 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 186 Ceric ammonium nitrate 200 g(LAB CTA) 6 187 DNP 2,4 100 gm ( 2,4 DINITROPHENYL HYDRAZINE )(LAB CTA) 6 188 Phenol 500 ml (PHENOL CRYSTAL LR )(LAB CTA) 6 189 Aniline 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 190 Bromine water 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 191 Acetaldehyde 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 192 Acetic acid 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 193 Fehling solution(A-B) 500 ml 551/- 812/-(LAB CTA) 6 194 Acetone 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 195 Carbon disulfide 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 196 Phenolphthalein 125 ml(LAB CTA) 12 197 Ammoniumm molybdate 100GM(LAB CTA) 6 198 Nickel carbonate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 199 Nickel sulfate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 200 Manganese sulphate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 201 Sodium bisulphate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 202 Cobalt acetate 500 g 6147-53-1 (LAB CTA) 6 203 Chloroform 500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 204 Nitric acid 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 205 Ethanol 500 ml(LAB CTA) 6 206 Picric Acid 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 207 Borax 500 g(LAB CTA) 12 208 Barium nitrate 500 g(LAB CTA) 6 209 Compound microscopes - 10 pic(LAB CTA) 6 210 Garden Lizard -1(LAB CTA) 12 211 simple microscope -5 pics(LAB CTA) 12 212 Rabbit -1 MODEL(LAB CTA) 12 213 Pigen MODEL Specimen -1(LAB CTA) 12 214 Family - Solanaceace -01(LAB CTA) 12 215 Morphology of Frog -01(LAB CTA) 12 216 Digesive System of Frog -01(LAB CTA) 12 217 Male and female Reproductive system of frog (LAB CTA) 12 218 Circulatory system of frog -01(LAB CTA) 12 219 Human Digestive system -01(LAB CTA) 12 220 Respiratory System of Frog -01(LAB CTA) 12 221 Human Respiratory System -01(LAB CTA) 12 222 Human Heart (v.s ) -01(LAB CTA) 12 223 Human Excretory system -01(LAB CTA) 12 224 Sagittal Section of Human brain -01(LAB CTA) 12 225 Human Skeletal sytem -01(LAB CTA) 12 226 Homologous and analogous organs ( Plants and Animals)(LAB CTA) 12 227 Human Male and Female reproductive system (LAB CTA) 12 228 Sectional view of Mammary gland(LAB CTA) 12 229 pedigree charts (LAB CTA) 12 230 Controlled Pollination(LAB CTA) 12 231 Mitosis and meiosis charts (LAB CTA) 12 232 Aceto carmine stain -125 ml x 4(LAB CTA) 12 233 Starch Powder -500 grms (1 Bottles)(LAB CTA) 12 234 Sycon -1(LAB CTA) 12 235 Aurelia -1(LAB CTA) 12 236 liver fluke -1(LAB CTA) 12 237 round worm -1(LAB CTA) 12 238 leech -1(LAB CTA) 12 239 Earth Worm -1(LAB CTA) 12 240 Prawn -1(LAB CTA) 12 241 Life Cycle of Honeybees -1(LAB CTA) 12 242 Life cycle of Silk worm -1(LAB CTA) 12 243 Apple snail -1(LAB CTA) 12 244 star fish -1(LAB CTA) 12 245 Shark -1(LAB CTA) 12 246 Rohu Fish -1(LAB CTA) 12 247 Frog -1(LAB CTA) 12 248 Ethanol - 500 ml x 1(LAB CTA) 12 249 Iodine Solution - 500 ml (2 Bottles )(LAB CTA) 12 250 Glucose Powder -500 grms (1 Bottle)(LAB CTA) 12 251 Lactophenol cotten bule stain -500 ml(LAB CTA) 12 252 Glacial acitic acid - 500 ml x 1(LAB CTA) 12 253 Hydrocholric acid -500 ml x 1(LAB CTA) 12 254 Benedock s Reagant -500 ml (2 Bottles )(LAB CTA) 12 255 Petridish -50(LAB CTA) 12 256 Spirit lamp - 10 glass(LAB CTA) 12 257 Conical flask -250 ml x 20(LAB CTA) 12 258 Spirt 500 MLS (5 Bottles )(LAB CTA) 12 259 Saffranine Stain - 125 ml (4 Bottles )(LAB CTA) 12 260 Amoeba -1(LAB CTA) 12 261 Hydra 1(LAB CTA) 12 262 Spirogyra -1(LAB CTA) 12 263 Oscillatoria -1(LAB CTA) 12 264 actobacillors -1(LAB CTA) 12 265 T/S of Dicot root -1(LAB CTA) 12 266 T/S of Monocot root -1(LAB CTA) 12 267 T/S of Dicot stem -1(LAB CTA) 12 269 T/S Dicot leaf -1(LAB CTA) 12 270 T/S of Monocot Leaf -1(LAB CTA) 12 271 T.S of mamlian Testis (2) (LAB CTA) 12 272 T.S of mamlian Ovary (2) (LAB CTA) 12 273 T.s of ovale showing embryosac(2)(LAB CTA) 12 274 Plasmodium vivax (2)(LAB CTA) 12 275 Entamoeba histolytica (2)(LAB CTA) 12 276 Trichophyton rubrum (2)(LAB CTA) 12 277 Biurete Reagent -125 ml (4 Bottles )(LAB CTA) 12 278 Glass slide box -10(LAB CTA) 12 279 Plastic handle brush 50(LAB CTA) 12 280 dropping bottle (Plastic ) 10(LAB CTA) 24 281 Beacker -100 ml x50 (Plastic)(LAB CTA) 24 282 Covers slips -10(LAB CTA) 24 283 Forceps sharp edge -50(LAB CTA) 24 284 Watch glass-50(LAB CTA) 24 285 Plastic dropers -50(LAB CTA) 24 286 Blotting papers -50 sheets (LAB CTA) 24 287 Test tubes -100(LAB CTA) 24 288 Test tubewashing brush -10(LAB CTA) 24