Tenders are invited for Supply of Approximately 99,875 Metric Tonnes (1,997,500 x50kg Bags) of Npk 26:5:5 Chemically Compounded Fertilizer for Year 2025. KTDA Management Services Limited intends to procure approximately 99,875 Metric Tonnes (1,997,500 x50kg bags) of NPK 26:5:5 chemically compounded fertilizer for small scale tea farmers in its managed tea factories in Kenya for the year 2025. The Agency therefore invites manufacturers and/or their authorized agents to bid for supply of the said fertilizer as specified in the tender documents. Interested eligible firms may obtain detailed tender documents from the Procurement office, located on third floor, Majani Plaza, Koinange Street, Nairobi during normal working hours, upon payment of the registration fee. The tender documents may also be requested upon payment by emailing: procurement@ktdateas.com Tender documents in sealed envelopes clearly marked, "Tender for Supply of 99,875 Metric Tonnes (1,997,500 x50kg bags) of NPK 26:5:5 Chemically Compounded Fertilizer" and reference should be addressed to: The Managing Director KTDA Management Services Ltd Majani Plaza (Kolnange Street) Nalrobl Completed tender documents should be deposited in the tender box at the reception on ground floor, Majani Plaza, Koinange Street, Nairobi, so as to be received not later than 9:30 AM East African Time on 25th February 2025. The submitted technical bids will be opened on the same day. Bidders or their appointed representatives may choose to attend the opening either virtually through a video link or physically. Participating bidders shall be provided with the log-in credentials before the tender opening. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification from the tendering process. REGISTRATION FEE 50 US Dollars or 6,000 Kenya Shillings MODE OF PAYMENT EFT or cash payments In Kenya Shillings Into KTDA Management Services Ltd Bank Account at any Family Bank branch- Account Number: 065000006090 Branch: Corporate-KTDA Plaza, Mol Avenue Nalrobl Payment In US Dollars may made to the following KTDA bank detalls; Bank Name: Citibank NA Beneficiary A/c: KTDA Management Services Ltd Account No.: 0300017053 Swift Code: CITIKENAXXX Sort Code: 16000 Tender Link : http://www.edch.ir/
Contact Information
Procurement office, located on third floor, Majani Plaza, Koinange Street, Nairobi Tel: +254 020 3227000-2/221441/2/3/4 0722 952402/7, 0722 203451/2, 0733 913580, 0733 363647
info@ktdateas.com/ procurement@ktdateas.com
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