Tenders are invited for Acquisition of Mri 1.5 Tesla for the Benefit of the Radiology Service of the Mother and Child Hospital under the Mohammed Vi Chu of Marrakech. Place of execution: Marrakech Address of withdrawal of the files: Portail Des Marchés Publics Address of submission of tenders: Portail Des Marchés Publics Place of opening of the folds: Les Bureaux Du Siège De La Région Marrakech-Safi, Sis À Quartier Administratif Sidi Youssef Ben Ali, À Marrakech Provisional security: 350000.00 MAD [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.marchespublics.gov.ma/index.php?page=entreprise.EntrepriseDetailConsultation&refConsultation=870835&orgAcronyme=j0w
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