Set for detection of the amplification of the CDK4 gene,Set for detection of amplification of the Gene Her2/Neu (ERBB2),A set of probes for detection of 1P36/1Q25 and 19P13/19Q13 for tumors of the nervous system,A set of fluorescent probes for the detection of the deletion of Gene 11Q,Set of probes for reinforcement detection KIAA1549: BRAF,Set of probes for MYCN amplification detection,Hybridization buffer for locuspecific samples,A set of fluorescent probes for detecting the Myc gene,A set of fluorescent probes for detection of the IRF4 gene,Reagents for sampling of cuts of paraffin blocks for Fish research,Citrate buffer for fish research,Proteolithic enzyme Pepsin,Wednesday for concluding a drug containing DAPI dye,A set of fluorescent probes for detecting deeds of genes CDKN2A/B,Set of fluorescent probes for reaning of the Gene wwtr1,A set of fluorescent probes for the amplification of the gene MDM2/12P11,A set of fluorescent probes for the reinforcement of the EWSR1 gene,DDIT3 Gena Revolution Detection,A set of fluorescent probes for detection of the SS18 gene reinforcement,A set of fluorescent probes for detection of the Fus gene,1,2
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