Price Registration For The Acquisition Of Dental Inputs. Dental Adhesive, Cotton Medical Use, Dental Applicator, High Rotation Drill, High Rotation, High Rotation Drill, Low Rotation Drill, Composite Resin, Lidocaine Hydrochloride, Dental Needle, Glutaraldehyde, Dental Conditioner, Absorbable Hemostatic, Topical Hemostatic, Topical, Calcium Hydroxide Dental Use, Scalpel Blade, Scalpel Blade, Carbon To Articulate Dental Use, Prophylactic Paste, Sucking, Dental Strip, Sodium Fluoride, Dental Cement, Composite Resin, Needled Suture, Dental Cement, Dental Lubricant, Sealant, Dental Matrix, Dental Matrix, Dental Matrix, Chlorhexidine Diglucanate, Dental Use, Dental Evident, Abrasive Strip, Distilled Use, Sterilization Packaging, Sterilization Package, Glass Ionomer Cement , Bath Set, Bath Set, Peracetic Acid, Composite Resin, Lidocaine Hydrochloride