Tenders are invited for Supply of Single Phase and Three Phase Smart Energy Meters (AMR). Tender Fee (OMR) Including VAT (5%) 1575 Every company wishing to participate in this tender must attach with its bid a bid bond in the form of a bank guarantee from one of the banks operating in the Sultanate of Oman. Any bid that does not contain the bid bond will be disqualified. The original bid bond must be submitted in an envelope sealed with red wax and addressed to the chairperson of the minor tender committee and written on outside the Tender name and the Tender number and it should be paced in the tender box in Nama Dhofar Services in Salalah before 03:00 pm of the last day for submitting Bids. Bids shall be submitted online through using "isupplier portal". No hard copies are accepted. The Tender fees are not refundable. However, Tenderers who are holding "Riyada" card issued from public authority for SME development will be exempted from providing the tender fee and the Bid bond. The company is not obliged to accept the lowest or any other bid. In the event of receipt of the tender document on behalf of another company, the interested purchasers in the above tender document should provide details of the persons name and the company details. Tender Link : https://www.pressreader.com/ (Times of Oman)
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