Acquisition Of Permanent Consumption And Fuel Material To Gpvit To Meet The Needs Of The Municipal Secretariat Of The Cantárr City Hall. Guided Aircraft, Binoculars, Metal Detector, Mile Headlight, External Modem, Electric Flashlight, Non -Electrical Flashlight, Transceptor Radio, Transceptor Radio, Cell Phone, Sound Box, Cabinet, Office Chair, Multifunction Printer, Office Table, Microphone, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook, Notebook Multimedia Projector, Clothing Protection, Uniform Shirt, Bag, Clothing Belt, Accessory Equipment Safety, Boot, Equipment / Sports Accessories, Mens Half Clothing, Backpack, Power Generator, Portable Saw, Motorcycle Conductor Helmet, Motorcycle, Diesel Oil, Diesel, Diesel, Gasoline