Tenders are invited for Construction of Small Scale Irrigation Projects Located in Aburamo Wordas Goltseha Afafir Keble of the Region. Lot Project Zone Wereda Type of|work 01 GoltsehaAfafir main canal Expansion Construction Asosa Aburamo Preparatory work Head Work maintenance Canal system Structure on canal and other community infrastructure Region: Beneshangul Gumuz Bid document price: 700.00 (Seven hundred birr only) Bid bond: 350,000.00 Birr 2.4. The tenders should be accompanied by bid security of 350,000 Birr only in the form of Unconditional Bank Guarantee or CPO. 2.5. Bid should be purchased at Assosa, Bureau of Agriculture upon payment of Non-refundable fee of Birr 700 (Seven hundred birr only). One original and two copies of Technical separately sealed in one envelope in one original and two copies of financial separately sealed in one envelope in one mother envelope. Bids sealed in accordance with the requirements presented in the instructions to Bidders should be submitted to the address below, 27/06/2017 E.C before 3:30 A.M. The bids will be opened in the morning at 4:00 A.M local time in the presence of the Bidders or representatives who choose to attend at Assosa Bureau of Agricultur on the 31th calendar days after counting from the date of the request made. If the 31th day is not working day, the next working day shall be the opening day. Late submissions shall be rejected. Tender Link : https://tender.2merkato.com/tenders/67a2229feb33dd23c0a68d33
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