Tenders are invited for Refinery 2026 Turnaround Project (Turnaround Maintenance and Repair Works at Qatarenergy Refinery, Mesaieed). Bond: QAR 5400000/-. Fee: QAR 500/-. Bond Validity: 30/07/25- (150) days from the Bid Closing Date OfferValidity: 30/06/25- (120) days from the Bid Closing Date Scope of Work/Description: Tender for REFINERY 2026 TURNAROUND PROJECT consists of 2 Packages to cater the scope of services comprises of planned turnaround maintenance and repair works at QatarEnergy Refinery, Mesaieed for the following plants: PACKAGE 1: - Part A: Chemical Plant (tentatively planned in Q2-2026) - Part B: RFCC Units 41-46 (tentatively planned in Q4-2026) PACKAGE 2: - Part A: Condensate Plant (tentatively planned in Q3-2026) - Part B: Crude Refinery (tentatively planned in Q4-2026) - Part C: Utilities and GRTA (tentatively planned in Q4-2026) The scope of services includes prefabrication, spading, de-spading, removal and replacement of insulation, internal and external scaffolding, Hydrocarbon decontamination, opening equipment, cleaning, testing, NDT services, blasting & coating, refractory lining, inspection, repair/ replacement, boxing up, and other miscellaneous activities. The Services shall be performed by a highly experienced Contractor having vast experience in execution of Turnaround maintenance and repair works in Oil and Gas industry which includes provision of all labor, services, specialized vendor services, supervision, equipment, tools, consumables, testing equipment, certain materials, and all other necessary resources to perform major Turnaround maintenance works of Refinery Plants. a) Tender documents for the above services/works/goods can be obtained from the Dates of Issue within the Tender Sale Period. Tender Issue Time ends at 2 PM (local time) of the Sale periods end date. b) Suppliers and Contractors who are already registered with QatarEnergy via e-Registration system and are in possession of a valid SAP ID issued by QatarEnergy can buy the Tender document online using the Buy Tender Online link within the Tender Issue Period indicated above. c) Requests for issuance of Tenders after the specified Tender Issue Period will not be entertained. QatarEnergy reserves its right, in its own discretion, to set and recall Tender Issue Periods. d) No queries will be entertained, or bids received, from entities who have not purchased tender documents in compliance with the above provisions. e) All prospective Contractors/suppliers interested to participate in QatarEnergy Tenders are required to register and obtain a QatarEnergy SAP Vendor Code, a mandatory requirement for the issue of Tender Document. f) All bidders shall ensure that the business/company name, contact persons and other details in all relevant documents to reflect the details as stated in the commercial registration documents. g) Bidders/Contractors, who are registered with QatarEnergy and possess a QatarEnergy SAP Vendor ID, shall with immediate effect ensure that any change to the vendor details is updated with QatarEnergy via e-Registration to ensure smooth processing of Tender, Contract and Payment related matters without any delay. Tender Link : https://www.qatarenergy.qa/en/SupplyManagement/Tenders/Pages/default.aspx