Expression of Interest For Prospective Private And Civil Society Organizations That Are Eager To Innovate Or ... in Ethiopia
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Expression of Interest For Prospective Private And Civil Society Organizations That Are Eager To Innovate Or Expand Services That Contribute Towards The Achievement Of Hra Result Areas
Competition Type
ICB/NCB (Plz Refer Document)
Funded By
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Expression of Interest are invited for Prospective Private and Civil Society Organizations that are Eager to Innovate or Expand Services that Contribute towards the Achievement of HRA Result Areas. Bid closing date: June 30, 2025 closing time at 11:59 PM Bid opening date: No Specific Opening Date and Time Project Description: Highlands Resilience Activity (HRA) is a five-year USAID-funded Feed the Future initiative that aims to facilitate inclusive, diverse, and connected markets that enable 120,000 PSNP households in 36 woredas of six target regions to sustainably reach the graduation threshold. HRAs strategy focuses on system strengthening, which is crucial for PSNP households, and ensuring that they have sustained income, all-year-round nutritious food, and risk-diversified livelihood paths. The objective of the Notice of Funding Opportunity: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity is to solicit Expressions of Interest (EOI) from prospective private and civil society organizations that are eager to innovate or expand services that contribute towards the achievement of HRA result areas. The Notice of funding opportunity is to ensure all interested and qualified organizations and entities have a fair opportunity to compete and qualify for funding. The expression of interest should among others focus on business models or approaches that strengthen; 1) access to quality inputs and services through last-mile agricultural and livestock inputs and service supply chain networks for PSNP HHS; 2) access to tailored and accessible agricultural extension and advisory services; 3) customized and accessible financial service solutions for PSNP HHS; 4) skills and employment opportunities for PSNP women and youth in HRA target areas; 5) access, supply, and consumption of year-round nutritious foods for PSNP households; 6) participation in pro-PSNP market systems; 7) Increasing social accountability and delivery of basic social services mainly in the health and education sectors to PSNP households; 8) Gender Youth and Inclusion responsive solutions. Applicants are encouraged to propose innovative yet sustainable, gender-sensitive, and inclusive approaches to addressing the issues stated above and producing results to meet the Activitys objectives. Tender Link :
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