tender for Increasing capacity Increasing Capacity work from 1x40+1x63+1x100 MVA to2x63+1x100 MVA 132/33 KV T/F at 132 KV S/S Lalkuan under ETD-II, Ghaziabad Sl. No. Item Description 1 Dismantling OLD Equipments 132 KV/33KV level & Shifting to the store. 2 Dismantlingof 132KV Bus Isolator 3 Dismantlingof 132KV Current Transformer 4 Dismantlingof 33KV Current Transformer 5 Dismantlingof 120KV L.A 6 Dismantling of 33KVCircuit Breaker 7 Dismantlingof 30KV L.A 8 Erection of following bay equipment as per instruction manual of various equipment’s and technical specification including shifting of material / equipment from store to erection site including all other associated works to complete the job satisfactorily. 9 Erection of 145 Kv CT Ratio 400-200-100-01 A ,0.2 Class, 3 CoreWith Terminal Connector & installation of junction box. 10 Erection of 120 Kv, 10 KA, Surge Arresters 11 Erection of 145 Kv, 1250 A, 31.5 KA,Isolator (BI). 12 Erection of VCB,36KV,1600A,26.3KA/3SEC 13 Erection of 30 Kv Surge Arresters 14 Erection of 33 Kv CT Ratio 1250-1000/1 A ,0.2 Class, 3 CoreWith Terminal Connector & installation of junction box. 15 Erection of following control and relay Panels as per instruction manual and technical specification including shifting of panel from store to erection site including all other associated works to complete the job satisfactorily. 16 Erection of 132 /33KV 63 MVA T/F RTCCPanel . 17 Bay wise interconnection of equipment with specified conductor of various 132 KV & 33 KV Equipment with Main /Transfer / jack Bus bar of ACSR Zebra /Panther conductor. The work Includes cutting of conductor. Bending in proper shape clamping with the help of clamp and all other associated work to complete job. 18 132 KV Side Jumper with 132 KV Equipments. 19 33 KVside jumper with 33KV Equipments. 20 Termination of following size control cable in trench/cable trays from different control room equipment to 132&33 KV Isolator, circuit breakers CT/PT & their junction boxes. Transformer marshaling box. Isolator box & other outdoor equipment’s installed in 132/33 KV switch yard as per cable schedule with ferruls and lugs . Including carriage of cable drum from store and all other associated work. 21 Termination of control cable 22 Earthing of equipment’s by cutting straightening, bending, laying 700mm below ground and above ground of following size of MS flat for earthing of main and auxiliary structure, equipment’s structure. Transformer body and its neutral point including welding with main earthmat and with object to be earthed excavation of trenches its back filling including Painting of MS flat of different size after cleaning of rusted surface 1st coat of Red Oxide and 2 coat of Bus Green Paint to complete the work. All other associated work as required to complete the work(MS flat will be provided by UPPTCL). 23 Laying of MS Flat of size 75x10 mm 24 Laying of MS Flat of size 50x6 mm 25 Erection of 63 MVA Transformers 26 Shifting/draggingof 63 MVA Transformer main tank from unloading site to transformer plinth up to 20 mtrs distance including turning of transformer if required including all T&P and other works to complete the job satisfactory at 132KV S/S Lalkuan. 27 Additional shifting/dragging 80 mtrs @ (each 5 meter per job) 28 Complete, erection of 63 MVA T/F work includes erection of radiator, conservator tank, bushing with its turrets (if available) connecting of all oil pipe line, erection of cooling fans, making control cables connection, buchholz relay etc. for completing the work, topping of T /F oil and final oil filling in tank, radiator, conservator tank and all other associates work for completion of job satisfactory. 29 Hot oil circulation of T/F oil of 63 MVA T/F in Main tank , radiators or oil Tanker by connecting 6/12 KLPH Centrifusing Machine with New filters for dehydration of oil, windingsetc. and taking and recording BDV Values of oil & IR values of transformer windings periodically till therequired value is reached including filling & topping up of oil in main tank , Radiators , Conservator tank, OLTCs as perdirection of Supervising Engineer/Standard practices. 30 Sampling and testing of transformer , if required , oil at CPRI or any other NABL accredited testing lab including cost of transportation of each sample in standard sampling bottles (adequate no of bottles to be arranged by the contractor). Samples to be taken at required intervals ( as per actual requirement)- Following tests are to be conducted for each sample- 1.Breakdown voltage 2. Moisture Content. 31 Submission of inspection charges for Electrical Safety clearance from Directorate of Electrical Safety , Uttar Pradesh for carrying out inspection of transformer , HV Side bay LA& T/F LV Side bay LA and obtaining charging clearance as per statuary norms( To be re-imbursed on actual basis) 32 Dismantling of 40 MVA Transformers 33 Complete Dismantling of 132/33KV, 40MVA Transformer at 132KV Substation Lalkuan by opening of radiator, conservator tank , oil pipe lines all bushings , turrets, fan motors, marshalling box, RTCC PAnel etc with proper gaskets along with nuts and bolts to complete the jobs satisfactorily including proper stacking. 34 Partly drain out Transformer oil from tank, opening of Electrical connections, earthing , jumperingetc 35 Shiftingof40 MVA Transformer main tank from transformer plinthto unloading site at 132KV S/S Lalkuanapprox. distance 20mtrs 36 Additional Shifting 80M @ 5M per job 37 Packing of HV/LV/Neutral bushings into empty wooden crates 38 Dismantling of Emulsifier System installed on 40MVA Transformer by cutting through gas cutter , labour shifting & Proper stacking of dismantled material to store/ Safe place. 39 Installation of high velocity automatic water spraying system for 63 MVA, 132 /33 KV T/F at 132 KV Substation Lalkuan including laying of fire direction water pipeline, vales Quartzoid, HVWS nozzles along with all material complete as per details. Supply & laying above the ground as required of different size GI pipe B class Jindal/Tata make for fire detection water pipe lone as per IS specification (IS Code-1239) as per drawing enclosed complete with elbow, tee, socket, reducer nuts and bolts with dtails as belwo with anticorrosive treatment or painting as where required along with fabrication & fixing of L & U shape support with all associated work to complete the job in all respect. 40 65 NB 41 50 NB 42 25 NB 43 Supply & installation of 80 NB MS Pipe B class Jindal/Tata make for making support running of water/air pipe line including providing flange on bottom & its proper grouting with fastener as where required. 44 Supply & installation of flanges as per IS-1538 of diierent size as per drawing work include proper butt welding with pipe & proper packing and coupling with Nuts & Bolt and fastener as required. 45 80 NB 46 65 NB 47 50 NB 48 25 NB 49 Supply & installation & commissioning of high velocity water spray nozzels flow capacity 305 Kg/CM2 spray angle 9. 50 Supply & installation & commissioning of Quartzite bulb detectors (QBD) operator as76C0 sensing at rated temperature for actuation of the element 10/12 sec. 51 Supply & laying above ground of different size old & used including modification as required GI pipe B class (provided by the deptt.) for fire detection/water pipe line as per drawing enclosed complete with elbow, tee, socket, reducer (provided by deptt.) with anticorrosive terminate or painting as where required along with fabrication & fixing of L&U shape support with associated work to complete the job in all respect. 52 65 NB 53 50 NB 54 25 NB 55 Re installation of old & used including modification as required of 80 NB MS pipeB class (provided by deptt.) by for making support running of water air/pipe line including providing flange on bottom & its proper grounting with fastener nut bolt with anticorrosive treatment or painting as where required. 56 Re installation & commissioning of old & used high velocity water spray nozzles flow capacity 3.5 kg/cm2 spray core angle 90 (provided by deptt.) 57 Re istallation & commissioning of lod & used of Quarzoid bulb detectors (QBD) operate at 760C sensing at rated temp for actuation of the element 10/12 sec (Provided by deptt.) 58 Re installation & commissioning of 150 NB deluge valve as per requirement of transformer which includes servicing of related fitting like 150 NB T-Strainer 02 Nos. gate vales another related parts of deluge valve. 59 Details of Supply 60 PG Clamp Moose/Moose 61 PG Clamp Moose/Panther 62 Connector Bus Post Insulator Moose 63 132KV isolator Clamp twin Moose 64 33 KV Circuit Breaker Clamp twin Moose Conductor