Invitation To Express Interest for Maintenance and repair project for the Kibloi Shokhi Hydrological Station in Kapisa Province. Maintenance projects of 5 hydrological snow gauge stations (Band Amir, Kotl Shato, Punjab, Sarkotl Shibar and Vars) Bamyan province protective wall of 3 Hyder Meteorological Stations (Khavak, near Khavak, Paryan District and Karaman, Dara District), Panjshir Province. Lot 2: Maintenance projects of 8 hydrometeorological stations (Khavak, Barfsenj Korpitab, Kotal Khavak, near Khavak, Paryan district), Project for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the retaining wall and maintenance and care of the Bagh Lala Hydrological Station, Salang District, Parwan Province Asia Abad Hydrological Station Maintenance Project, Sar-e-Pul Province Lot 1: Maintenance and monitoring project of the retaining wall of the Doda Hydrological Station, Laja Mangal District, Paktia Province. Lot 2: Project to maintain and monitor the retaining wall of the Bangash Bridge Hydrological Station, Chamkani District, Paktia Province. Maintenance and rehabilitation project of deadly hydrological stations, Rabat Bala and power bridge of Balkh province.
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