Tenders are invited for Construction and Equipment Works for a Ground Reservoir and a Water Tower and Drinking Water Distribution Networks in the Localities of Kouroukoro and Arfamoussaya Project: Establishment of drinking water infrastructure in rural areas of the Senegal River basin (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal). The OMVS High Commission is seeking sealed bids from eligible bidders who meet the required qualifications to carry out the construction and equipment works of a ground tank and drinking water distribution networks in the locality of Kouroukoro and Arfamoussaya in two (02) lots. Lot 1: Construction and equipment of a 500 m3 ground tank in Kouroukoro and a 500 m3 water tower in Arfanmoussaya; Lot 2: Works to supply and install a drinking water distribution network in the localities of Kouroukoro and Arfanmoussaya. 3. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.jaoguinee.com/post.php?t=Avis-d-appel-d-offres-pour-des-Travaux-de-construction-et-dequipement-dun-reservoir-au-sol-et-dun-chateau-deau-et-de-reseaux-de-distribution-deau-potable-dans-les-localites-de-Kouroukoro-et-Arfamoussaya&id=5621
Contact Information
A l’issue de cette reconnaissance, une attestation de visite des sites sera délivrée à chaque soumissionnaire, quil joindra à son offre. La personne à contacter est : Monsieur Sekou Tidiane CAMARA Tél: +224 620 10 60 69.
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