Tender For Annual Plan-Kanjirapuzha Gramapanchayath 2024-25 Pro No. 350/ 25-Kanjiram Poonchola Road Interlock Laying-General Civil Work; 2 3.2:Preparation of Foundation for Embankment Scarifying Existing Bituminous Surface to a Depth of 150 mm by Mechanical Means Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 150 mm and disposal of scarified material with a lift upto 3 m and lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 301.4. 3 OD314635/2024-2025:Granular Sub-base with Well Graded Material (Table 400.1) <br> (A) By Mix in Place Method <br> Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with manually compacting to achieve the desired density, complete as per Technical Specification Clause 401. <br> (i) For Grading I Material .Derived from Code 4.1.A.1. 4 OD314739/2024-2025:Supplying and laying interlocking tile 80mm or nearest size thickness, minimum strength M30 including providing a layer of 6mm aggregate for 5cm thickness, then laying interlock cobbles in lines and levels as per the directions of the departmental officers at site inclusive of all cost & conveyance charges etc. complete. 5 75.8.1:Providing Plain cement concrete for road work CC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 fine aggregate: 4course aggregate) laid to required slope and camber in panels (@ 3 m c/c) as requiredincluding compaction, finishing and tamping etc .complete. Max. size of courseaggregate not exceeding 25mm , mixed in concrete mixer etc complete as perspecification (i) Nominal mix (1:2:4) 6 OD315020/2024-2025:Filling with quarry muck<br>Filling up low lying and water logged areas with local materials/ quarry muck spreading in layers, levelling the top at site and consolidation by ramming etc complete for improving the CBR value of sub grade
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