Tender For Operation And Maintenance Wtp And Jackwell - M&R to Nivali Water Supply Scheme....Operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plant & Jackwell. Sl. No. Item Description 1 M&R to Nivali Water Supply Scheme....Operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plant & Jackwell. 2 Providing services of skilled persons(Filter Inspector) for monitoring quality of water at WTP Nivali which includes measuring the quality of incoming raw water, deciding the dose of chemicals required for adoption to get desired quality of water.Checking and observing the performance of WTP equipment, filter beds, keeping allied records.Checking all the parameters, viz. PH, turbidity of raw water, settled water, filtered water.Maintaining chlorine dose of required standard etc. complete. 3 Providing services of skilled persons (Pump Operator) for daily operations & maintenance of Raw water pump house at Nivali.The job includes daily operations of pumping machineries as per requirement to run smoothly pumping station, noting the technical parameters, maintaining the record, maintaining the power factor of installation, carrying out routine & preventive maintenance of pumping machineries, panel board etc. complete including day to day operation, maintenace General upkeeping, maintaining log books, daily works register, keeping daily watch on MSEDCL energy meter consumption, Power factor etc. (spares for maintenance will be provided by MIDC). Operation & maintenance of sub-station like GOD operation, replacement of DO"s, lightning arrestors, minor repairs, operation of transformer, oil level checking, tap changing if required, overall safety & keen watch and ward on transformer switch yard etc. 4 Providing services of unskilled persons (Helpers) for daily operations & maintenance of pumping station at Nivali.The job includes cleaning, sweeping the premises and pumping station, helping the pump operator and electrician in carrying out routine & preventive maintenance works of pumping machineries, panel board etc. complete. 5 Providing services of skilled person (Fitter) to carried out preventive maintenance at WTP Nivali premises with carrying out preventive maintenance & breakdown maintenance as & where required of substation, LT panel boards & starter panel boards at pure water, raw water, filter house. Attending preventive & breakdown maintenance of vertical turbine pumps, motors, sluice valve, NRV valve, CLF bridge, flashmixer, backwash pump with motor, alum dosing pump with motor at Jackwell, WTP, filter house, pure water pump house of water supply scheme. 6 Supply of Bleaching Powder of Good Quality, Grade 1, 32 to 34 % Minimum Chlorine content , Moisture 0.3% ,Particle size (passing through 1.70 mm IS sieve) % by mass (min.) - 99.5, Grasim Make. The test certificate for purity of the bleaching powder along with every supply from approved laboratory shall be submitted. The Bleaching powder should have satisfy all the parameter given in the specification.