Tender For Repairs To K.T.W At Chinchwar Tal Dist Dhule - Excavation In All Types Of Strata Including Boulde ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Repairs To K.T.W At Chinchwar Tal Dist Dhule - Excavation In All Types Of Strata Including Boulders Up To 0.60 M.Dia.(0.113Cum) For Seating Of Embankment Etc.And Placing The Excavated Stuff Neatly In Dump Area Or For Formation Of Embankmentas D
Tender For Repairs to K.T.W at Chinchwar Tal Dist Dhule - Excavation in all types of strata including boulders up to 0.60 m.dia.(0.113cum) for seating of embankment etc.and placing the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of embankmentas directed including cost ofall materials,machionery,labour,dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc.completewith lead upto 15 m and 6.0 m lift i) Soil & Soft Murum 2 Excavation in Hard Murum including boulders up to 0.60 m.dia.(0.113cum) for seating of embankment etc.and placing the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of embankmentas directed including cost ofall materials,machionery,labour,dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc.completewith lead upto 15 m and 6.0 m lift i) Soil & Soft Murum 3 Excavation in soft rock without blastingincluding boulders up to 0.60 m diameter(0.113cum) for canal, seating of embankment, filtre drains/ catch water drains etc. andplacing the excavated soft rockneatly in dump area or for formation of service road / embankment as directed including cost of all materials, machinary, labour, dressing bed and slides to required level and profile etc complete with lead up to 15 m and 6 m lift. . 4 Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M15 of trap /granite/ gneiss/quartzite/ graded metal for PCC with or without surface reinforcement / RCC concreting requiring heavy or special type of shuttering for works of gallery,sluice,spillway crest, spillway down stream face,energy dissipating structures, intake structures,training walls,piers, abutments etc.with concrete mixer considering lead of 50 m with shuttering and scaffolding placing,compacting, curring etc.complete with an initial lead of 50 m.and lift of 1.5 m.(B) M-15 (Borrow 40 M.S.A.) (Cement 5.2 Bags/Cum) 5 Providing reinforcement for R C C work includingcutting ,bending hooking ,laying in position and tying M,s /HYSD /TMT bars for reinforcement of RCC work as per detailed drawing etc.compltwithintial lead 50 m and 1.5 m lift10MM Dai 6 DRY STONE PITCHING BARROW 7 EMBANKMENT FOR GUIDE BUND BARROW 8 CEMENT POINTING 9 Manufacturing & Laying in Position M.S Needles including all . Etc all Completed 10 Providing treatment for submerge area including cleanning the site and removing excavated stuff and deposited alluvial from submrrgence with shaping the banks of waterbodies to improve and strengthen submerge area etc complete( Nalla Deepenning)soil 11 LEAD FOR DUMPING MATERIAL FROM SUBMERGENCE 12 Painting For Name Borad on Bandhara 13 Insurance 14 GST 15 Royalty 16 DMF 17 Contractor should quote rate on Civil work i.e.2545104.81/- The amount of Insurance,Royalty, DMF,GST are Rs.584302.93/- Total Tender amount may be 3129407.74
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DWCO Z.P.(M.I.) Dhule
Office of DWCO Z.P.(M.I.) Dhule
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