Tender For Re-Inovation Of Shed, Shifting Of Scrapped Materials, Vehicle By Engaging Hydra For Keeping On-Going Jjm Materials At Deptt. Stack Yard At Sukhani Under Drilling Sub-Division, Nmd, Phe, Dte.-- 1 Supply & delivery of MS Angle(65mmx65mm).Make - SAIL 2 Supply & delivery of GP X 6mm sheet (2.5X10 FT). Make - TATA 3 M.S. works in brackets made from flats, angles, tees etc. to sizes specialy bent, twisted, forged; making holes drilled and fitted to rafter of trusses with necessary bolts, nuts, washer or screws etc. (length of straight not less than 230 mm) stiffener and fixed with necessary screws etc. complete, as directed. [ PWD Building works. P-103, SI-08 ] 4 Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. [ PWD Building works. P-200, SI-1 ] 5 Galvanised corrugated iron sheet work (excluding the supporting frame work ) fitted and fixed with 10 mm dia. J or L hook-bolts, limpet and bitumen washers and putty complete with 150 mm end lap and one corrugation minimum side lap. (Payment to be made on area of finished work) (GCL sheet to be supplied by contractor).[ PWD Building WORKS, P-81, SI-9 ] (i) In roof :- With 0.60 mm thick sheet 6 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil butexcluding laterite or sandstone) including removing,spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75 m.as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, levelling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete. [ Page No. 1 (Sl. No.2) ](i) Depth of excavation not exceeding 1,500 mm. 7 1st Class Bricks (kiln burnt). [ PWD Building works Page No.299, (Sl. No.1) ] 8 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. [ PWD Building works Page No 26, Sl-10 ] (i) Pakur Variety 9 Clearing and removing conservancy garbage mixed with rubbish & other filthy materials from the road side flank,drain and compound including cutting ,loading,unloading to and from truck or cart by mathor labour & removing the same to any distance.[ PWD Building Works,p-279, SI-12 ] 10 Hire charges of Crane having capacity 50 MT. 11 Shifting and stacking of scattered materials by engagging labour with the help of necessary tools & tackles to the required location as per direction.[ PWD Building Works, P-303, SI-1 ] (i) Mazdoor (Male) 12 N.B.:- MAKE: AS PER PHE APPROVED VENDOR LIST AND ADDENDUM/CORRIGENDUM (IF ANY)