Tenders are invited for Private Security Service will be Received Nature, type and quantity: The procurement of private security services of 17 people will be tendered by open tender procedure.It is closed to partial proposal, foreign tenderers and consortium. Tender Dok.It can be seen at the address of the administration at www.toros.edu.tr of the administration and 200,00 TL (küztürklias) Garanti Bank Pozcu Branch of the Administration Toros University Toros University TR47 0006 2000 4280 0006 2899 31 IBAN can be applied to Toros University account.The tenderers who will participate in the tender must deposit the tender application fee to the account of the administration. The bid bond will provide a bidding guarantee as they determine, not less than þ3. Documents requested from the bidders to the document of the document, signature circular, attorney, signature declaration, activity certificate, trade registry newspaper, tax plate, no debt certificate, tender document or public procurement institution showing that the document, unit price ruler, unit price ruler,Bid Letter, Private Security Company Activity Permit Certificate Tender and Bid Opening Date: 18.02.2025 10:00 Type of Ad: Tender [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.ilan.gov.tr/ilan/1690002/ihale-duyurulari-hizmet-alim-ihaleleri-ozel-guvenlik-hizmeti-alinacaktir
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Nde Görülebilir Ve 200,00 Tl (Ikiyüztürklirasi) Idarenin Garanti Bankasi Pozcu Subesi Toros Üniversitesi Tr47 0006 2000 4280 0006 2899 31 Iban Nolu Toros Üniversitesi Hesabina Yatirilarak Basvuru Yapilabilirler. Ihaleye Katilacak Isteklilerin Ihale Basvuru Bedelini Idarenin Hesabina Yatirmasi Zorunludur.
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