0061146 - Language Decixador - Wood, Disposable, 14 Cm, Type Spatula, 1, 50 Cm, 2 Mm - 100 Und., 0061147 Package - Postpartum Absorbent - With Gel, Material: Cotton, C/20 Und., 0061148 - Distilled Water For Autoclave, Non -Injectable, Non -Sterile And Chemically Pure, Free Of Soluble Salts, 5000 Ml, 0061149 - Overwhelming Water 10 Vol - Active Principle: H2o2 (3%), Antiseptic, 1Ooml Peroxide. , 0061150 - Disposal 13 X 4, 5 - Hypodermal Needle, Mathecial: Siliconized Stainless Steel, Dimension: 26 Gx 1/2, Type Type: Short Treifacetated Bevel, Sterile Use Type, Scanable., 03/02/2025, 0061151 - Disposal Needle 20 X 5, Material: Stainless And Polypropylene Steel, Type Type: Trifaceted Bevel, Sterile., 0061152 - Disposable Needle 25 X 7 - Hypodermic Needle, Dimension: 22 G X 1, Sterile Use, Discharged. , 0061153 - Disposal Needle 25 X 8 - Hypodermic Needle, Dimension: 21 G X 1, 0061154 - Disposal Needle 30 X 7 - Hypodermal Needle, Dimension: 22 G X 1 1/4, Type: Short, Trifacetado, 0061155 - Disposal 30 X 8 - Hypodermal Needle, Dimension: 21 G X 1 1/4, 0061156 - Disposal Needle 40 X 12 - Hypodermal Needle, Dimension: 18 G X 1 1/2, 0061157 - Disposable Spriged Anesthesia Needle, 25G X 4. 3/ 4 (53X120mm) For Obese, 0061158 - Picky Anesthesia Needle, 25G X 3. 1/2 (0, 5 X 90Mm), Stainless Steel, Quincke Tip With Man -Dil. 31/2 (0, 45 X 90Mm), With Man -Dril., 0061160 - 5Mm Insulin Pen Needle With 100 Units, Disposable. Description: Stainless Steel Needle; Attached, Compatible With All Insulin Pens;, 0061161 - 6Mm 31G 31G Pen Pen Needle, Compatible With All Insulin Pens, 0061162 - 70% Alcohol - Ethyl Alcohol, Hydrated, 70% , Liquid., 0053331 - 70% Gel Alcohol - Gel Antiseptic, 1000Ml. 0, 1% Iodine, 0061164 - Cotton - Hydrophilic Type, Accordion Presentation, Spotted Ma -Thermal, Purified, Exempt From Impurities - Roll 250 G, 0061165 - Cotton - Hydrophilus Type, Exempt From Impurities - Roll Of 500 G, 0061166 - Ambar Plastic Almotoly (Brown) 250Ml - In Polyethyl, Rectum Beak Model, High Relief Undergraduate. , 0061169 - Transparent Plastic Almotolia 500Ml - White In Po -Lythylene, 0061170 - Adult Ambu - Autoclavable Silicone Manual Reanimator, Autoclable Translucent Silicone Balloon, Adult Size 1600 Ml, Inflatable Copic Mask In Inflatable Self -Randable Silicone, Unidi-Rectional Valve In Autoclavable Polisulfona, Reserv, 0061171- Neonatal Ambu- Neonatal Manual Respondent In Autoclavable Silive, Au-Torching Silicone Balloon, Neonatal Size 320 Ml, Inflatable Cushion Mask In Self-Range, Valvening, Polyulfon Viable , Re, 0061172 - Pediatric Ambu - Pediatric Manual Reanimator In Self -Clavable Symicone, Autoclavable Translucent Silicone Balloon, 550 Ml Pediatric Size, Inflatable Cushion Mask In Self -Circlavable Silicone, Unidirectional Vala Emopolisulfona Autoclavá, 0061173 - -Digital Hygrometer, In Abs Plastic Material, With Digital Display, For Measurement