Lot 1 - Coarse Sand For Construction, Lot 1 - Internal Mortar For Ceramic Ac I C/15 Kg, Lot 1 - Cement All Works 50 Kg, Lot 1 - Ca 50 1/4, Lot 1 - Iron 50 3/8 , 01/31/2025, Lot 1 - 4.2 Mm Stirrup Iron, Lot 1 - Boring Bolt 3, Lot 1 - Phillips 3, 5Mmx40cm Screw, Lot 1 - Crushed Stone, Lot 1 - Foundation Stone, Lot 1 - Poty Stone 1, 00X0, 80Cm (On Site/Work), Lot 1 - Polid Nails With 15X15 Head, Lot 1 - Polid Nail With 18X27 Head, Lot 1 - Flexible Grout 1Kg, Lot 1 - Channel Type Tile, Lot 1 - Brick Cerramic 06 Holes, Lot 1 - Ceramic Brick 08 Holes, Lot 1 - Iron Truss For Radier 6 Mts, Lot 2 - Endless Threaded Clamp 1/2 X 3/4, Lot 2 - Fixed Threaded Clamp 3/4 X 1 , Lot 2 - 8 Inch 1,000W Pliers, Lot 2 - Roof Plot, Lot 2 - 300 Ml Anti -Rust, Lot 2 - Alditite 10 Min. 16 Grams, Lot 2 - Barbed Wire Ball W/500Mts, Lot 2 - Galvanized Wire No. 18 , Lot 2 - Appelled Wire No. 18, Lot 2 - Sierra Arch Adjustable, Lot 2 - Plastic Bucket For 12Lt Concrete, Lot 2 - Landfill, Lot 2 - Leather Boot, Lot 2 - Bota In Rubber, White Color , Black Color, Lot 2 - 1/2 Fast Steel Drill, Lot 2 - 1/4 Fast Steel Drill, Lot 2 - 1/8` Fast Steel Drill, Lot 2 - Fast Steel Drill 23/64, Lot 2 - 3/8 Steel Steel Drill, Lot 2 - 5/16 Steel Steel Drill, Lot 2 - 5/32 Quick Steel Broka, Lot 2 - 5/64 Fast Steel Drill, Lot 2 - Fast Steel Drill 6 Mm, Lot 2 - Fast Steel Drill 9/32, Lot 2 - Fast Steel Brice 9/64, Lot 2 - Vidia 1/4`, Lot 2 - Bothing No. 06, Lot 2 - Cable For Hoe 1 , 20 Mt, Lot 2 - 30 Mm Lock, Lot 2 - 35 Mm Lock, Lot 2 - 45 Mm Lock, Lot 2 - 7X3cm Wooden Rains, Lot 2 - Air Chamber For Hand Cart, Lot 2 - Cart 2 - Cart Hand Tire C/ Ar 48 Lts, Lot 2 - Pe4 Enamel Ceramics, Lot 2 - Zinc Plate 0, 60 Width, 80 Width, Lot 2 - Lot 2 - Silk Cord No. 10, Lot 2 - Silk Rope No. 12, Lot 2 - 7 Inch Iron Cut Disc, Lot 2 - 7 Inch Riot Disc, Lot 2 - Sander Sandbar, Lot 2 - 3 ½ Hinge With Galvanized Tarrach, Lot 2 - Durepox 100 Grams, Lot 2 - Durepox 50 Grams , Lot 2 - Hoe 2¹/², Lot 2 - 5 Meter Extension, Lot 2 - Alphanje Nº 12 Machete, Lot 2 - External Lock With Ball Ball, Lot 2 - External Lock With Straight Doorknob, Lot 2 - Extreme Lock With Straight Doorknob, Lot 2 - Internal Lock With Straight Doorknob, Lot 2 - Coffin Type Lock, Lot 2 - Solder Iron 30 Amp, Lot 2 - Boring Bolt No. 3, Lot 2 - Bolt T - Tarjeta 2 , Lot 2 - Pvc Lining Placed, Lot 2 - Wooden Freito 7X7cm, Lot 2 - Fucked Lot, Lot 2 - Metalon 1, 20X1, 00 M, Lot 2 - Weldy Mask Lente, Lot 2 - Bow 8 8 Kf, Lot 2 - 7X14cm Wood Line, Lot 2 - Iron Sandpaper No. 36, Lot 2 - 4X3 Carrier Canvas, Lot 2 - 4X4 Carrier Canvas, Lot 2 - Black Plastic Canvas 4 Mts Wid. Latex, Lot 2 - Short Pipe Scrape Glove, Lot 2 - Long Pipe Scrape Glove, Lot 2 - Concrete Shackle (Diameter 1, 00M), Lot 2 - 02 Kg Sledgehammer, Lot 2 - 23Cm Hammer, Lot 2 - Mask Respiratory Without Valve, Lot 2 - Pff2 Protection Mask W/ Valve, Lot 2 - Plastic Mass 400 G, Lot 2 - Protection Glasses, Lot 2 - Swing For Garbage, Lot 2 - Chicken Shovel W/ Cable, Lot 2 - Folder For White Welding, Lot 2 - Foundation Stone, Lot 2 - Pick, Lot 2 - Door