Tender For Construction Work Of Capacity 60000Qtl.Steel Molasses Tank - 60000Qtl Capicity Steel Molasses Tan ... in India
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Tender Brief
Tender For Construction Work Of Capacity 60000Qtl.Steel Molasses Tank - 60000Qtl Capicity Steel Molasses Tank 2 Earth Work In Excavation By Mechanical Means (Hydraulic Excavator)/ Manual Means In Foundation Trenches Or Drain (Not Exceedding 1.5 M In Wid
Tender For Construction Work Of Capacity 60000Qtl.Steel Molasses Tank - 60000QTL CAPICITY STEEL MOLASSES TANK 2 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ Manual means in foundation trenches or drain (Not exceedding 1.5 M in width or 10 SQM. On plan).Including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in lead of 50 MTR. 3 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 Mtr. Or there of in excavation/ Banking excavated or stacked matrial depth 1.5 Mtr. To 3.00 Mtr. 4 Carriage of earth upto 3.00 Km. 5 Soil filling in pits and plinth area with available excavated soil and compacted by 10 Ton power roller in layers. 6 Supplying and filling in plinth with sand in 200 MM thick under floor, Including watering, Ramming, cunsdidating and dressing complete. 7 Provinding and laying in position cement concrete of specafied grade up to plinth in 1:4:8 (1Cement:4c. Sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 MM) Nominal size, Natural Sources. 8 Provinding and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for rainforced cement concrete work using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, portland pozzolona/ordenaryportland slagcement admixture in recommended proportionsas per I.S: 9103 to accelerate/retard setting of concrete to inprove durebulity and workability with out impairing strength, Including pumping of concrete of site of laying curing cariage of all lead but excluding the cost of centering and shuttering finishing concrete of M-25 grade with minimium cement content 1:1:2. 9 Same as item no. 07 but all work above plinth level upto floor V level 10 Foundations, footings bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete. 11 walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters butteresses, plinth and string coarse etc. 12 Lintels, beams plinth beams, girders, bressumess and contilever. 13 Tor steel reinforcement for RCC work including strengthing cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth level thermo-machanically trated bars of grade FE-500 or more (Labour rate only) 14 Brick work in 1:6 cement mortar one cement and 6 coarsesand in plinth and foundation upto any depth from ground level and plinth upto any height from ground level including scaffolding watering racking out jonts curing etc complete in all respect minimium compressive strength of the brick shall be 70 KG./SQCM 15 Providing and laying 12-15 MM thick cement plaster to all surface of masonry and Rcc in 1:4 cement and fine sand mortar finished smooth with cement punning including scaffolding, racking of joints, racking of rcc surface curing etc. complete including proving and fixing G.I chicken wire mesh of 50MM over lapping either side of joints of the junction of rcc/pcc and maonary bonding chemical etc. as directed by engg. in charge ( for cement punning 1.10 lime and cement) the item inclusive of filing of cundate zari and switch board with plaster and grooves upto 12X12 MM , drip moulds(50MM wide X 12MM thick) deep filet etc complete. 16 Providing and laying 20MM thick water proff cement plaster upto plinth to all surface of rubble masonry/brick work/ rcc wall in 1:4 cement mortar finished smooth with cement punning including scaffolding, racking of masonry joints chemical adhesive G.I chicken wire mesh etc. complete including cement punning, water proffing admixer. 17 Boring with hydraulic piling rigs with power units providing and installing casting of Rcc M-25 grades 400 MM dia SU pile with single valve upto 8 Mtr. Deep length of blow pile cap in M-25 cement concrete, to carry a safe working loadnot less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and the length of the pile to be embedded in pile cap etc. all complete ( length of pile for payment shall be measureed upto the bottom of pile cap )(pile 2.18 Mtr. c/c distence) 18 M.S or Iron work in heavy sizes such as trusses built up gates, record rack roof work including cost revitting or welding whose necessary and Gas, Electrode, Labour and T&P etc. Steel shall be provided by mill free of cost. 19 Supplying and filling of 40-90 MM size metal soling or filling inthree layers including voids filling by coarse sand and supply of all matrieal and labour and T&P Etc. (A) supply and stacking at site. 20 (B)Laying spreadling and compacting stones aggregate. 21 Providing and laying 50MM thick bitumin mastic flooring (wearing caurse) as per specification with industrial bitumin of grade 85/25 confrming to I.S: 702 prepared by using mastic cooker and laid required level and slope, including providing anti skid surface with bitumin precoated fine grained hard stone chipping of approved size at the rate of 0.005 cum per 10 Sqm. and at approximate spacing of 10 CM center to center to in both directions pressed into surface protruding 1MM to 4MM over mastic surface, including cleaning the surface, removal of debris etc. all complete. 22 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of 1:2:4 (1cement: 2 c.sand :4 graded stone aggrigate 20 MM nominal size) grade including the cost of centering and shuttring upto plinth level. 23 Primer with ready mixed red oxide zinc. Chromate primer of approved brand and manufacturers on steel work. 24 Primining with aluminium paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade two or more coats on new work. 25 Painting with Epoxy Paint two/more coats at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturers specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface etc complete.
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