Tender For Reconstruction Of V.R.B(Box Culvert) At Km. 5.091 Of Gopau Dy - Earth Work In Foundation In Dry O ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Reconstruction Of V.R.B(Box Culvert) At Km. 5.091 Of Gopau Dy - Earth Work In Foundation In Dry Ordinary Soil (Loam Clay Or Sand) Including Lift Up To 1.5 Meter And Lead Up To 30 Meter And Including Back Filling, Watering And Ramming Of Excavat
Tender For Reconstruction of V.R.B(Box Culvert) at Km. 5.091 of Gopau Dy - Earth work in foundation in dry ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift up to 1.5 meter and lead up to 30 meter and including back filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the structure and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth with removal and disposal or surplus earth as directed by the Engineer-in-charge upto a distance of 30M from the foundation trenches. 2 Providing and Laying Reinforced ConcreteM-15and curing completeI/C all cost of material, labour and T.& P. etc. complete.As directed by the Engineer-in-charge 3 Providing and Laying Reinforced ConcreteM-25and curing completeI/C all cost of material, labour and T.& P. etc. complete.As directed by the Engineer-in-charge 4 Centering & Shuttering for R.C.C. work including cost of centering and shuttering up to 3 m height .As directed by the Engineer-in-charge 5 Cutting, Bending, Binding cutting & Placing of reinforcement including binding wire also including cost of steel Fe 500.As directed by the Engineer-in-charge 6 Dry Stone pitching hand packed including labour and T&P also including cost of all material as directed by the Engineer-in-charge 7 Supplying & fixing PVC Pipe 75 mm dia withall cost of material,labour and T.& P. etc. complete.as directed by the Engineer-in-charge 8 Fixing of Steel expansion joint per Rm. 9 Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler in 25mm thick expansion 10 Finishing walls with exterior emulsionpaint of required shade in two coat i/c supply of all labour,material and T&P required for proper completion of work.as directed by the Engineer-in-charge 11 E/W in filling for making bundha, diversion and embankment in ordinary soil.excavation to be in the form of regular pits and earth work in embankment to be in 20cm. layers, including ramming and dressing the surface to the required levels and slopes and also including 1.50m lift and 30m lead. The earth from cutting to be used in making embankment or to be deposited as spoil bank within 30m distance as directed by Engineer- in-Charge. 12 Filling empty cement bag with local earth hand sewing with suja and suthali and & placing in position withing 60m royalty etc.as directed by Engineer- in-Charge. 13 Hiring of diesel pumps 5HP including operator POL and maintinence for surface dewatering as directed by the Engineer-in-charge 14 Earth work in cutting for removing Bundhas and cleaning the internal section of canal with proper disposal as per direction in Engineer- in-charge 15 S/Laying of 900mmǿNP3Hume Pipe 16 Dismantling of old Damage RCC Workwith disposal of refuse witha distance of 60 m.as per direction in Engineer- in-charge 17 Dismantling of b/w in cement mortar i/c stacking of dismantled material within a distance of 60 m.as per direction in Engineer- in-charge 18 Removing of 900mmǿNP3Hume Pipe 19 Laying old Brick on edge laid dry filling joint i/c preparation of base to proper slope and its ramming i/c all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work.as per direction in Engineer- in-charge 20 Providing and Laying Signboard with painting latter andwriting
Contact Information
Contact Person
Executive Engineer
Office of The Executive Engineer Lower Division Agra Canal, Agra139, Mall Road, Pratappura, Agra 282001
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