Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Similar Category Horticulture Service - Maintenance Based Model ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Similar Category Horticulture Service - Maintenance Based Model 1. At Barsingsar Lignite Mine, A Green Belt Is To Develop At Eastern Side Of Along Thermal Compound Wall. 2. Contractor Has To Arrange 10000 Nos
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Similar Category Horticulture Service - Maintenance Based Model 1. At Barsingsar Lignite Mine, a Green belt is to develop at eastern side of along Thermal compound wall. 2. Contractor has to arrange 10000 nos saplings of 4 to 5 feet height only. The work involves transportation, loading and unloading etc. Saplings will be selected by NLCIL site incharge. 3. Contractor has to make pits for plantation. Before plantation, manure and earth must be mix in good proportion as mentioned in Tender schedule or instructed by NLCIL In charge. Plant height must be minimum 4 to 5 feet height. 4. Contractor has to mix the good earth and Farm yard manure in good ratio upto 0.3 m depth and 0.3 m depth for watering. 5. Contractor has to supply FYM as per Tender Schedule and arrange for stack measurement. 6. Contractor has to arrange watering to the seedlings twice in a week upto six months by engaging Pick up/ tractor/truck mounted water tanker. Water tanker operator will have valid driving license. No extra payment will be paid for Water tanker operator and helper. 7. NLCIL will supply any required pesticide and other required material. Contractor has to ensure feeding of all the plants. 8. Contractor has to engage 8 unskilled menpower and 2 skilled menpower on daily basis. The labours will be engage for pit formation, applying of pesticides, manuring, trimming, watch and ward, watering, pump operation, regulation of valves, shifting of pipeline and other afforestation related activities as instructed by NLCIL Officials. 9. Definition of unskilled manpower: The person who is having less than a year in Afforestation activity. 10. Definition of Semi skilled Manpower: The person who is having minimum three years experience in Afforestation activity or having one year experience with ITI certificate/ diploma in Horticulture. 11. Contractor has to produce all the procurement bill, certificate of labour as and when required. 12. Contractor has to arrange water tanker with operator. Operator must have valid license. Water will be collected from valid water tap point only. 13. Contractor has to watering initial six months of plantation two times per week. During this time, pipeline will be laid for watering by NLCIL for manual watering method. Even though, Contractor has to engage water tanker during Pump failure or pipeline damage. 14. At the end of every three months period, enumeration of plants will be carried out. As per special condition payment will be processed. 15. SAFETY OF PLANTATION AREA: NLCIL WILL HAND OVER FULLY FENCED PROTECTED PLANTATION AREA TO CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR HAS TO MAINTAIN AND SECURE THE FENING. ANY DAMAGE OF THE AREA, CONTRACTOR HAS TO REPAIR AT HIS OWN COST. AT THE END OF CONTRACT, FENCING HAS TO BE HAND OVER TO NLCIL IN PROPER SHAPE; OTHERWISE PENALTY/RECOVERY WILL BE MADE AS PER SPECIAL CONDITION. Total Quantity :
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