Maintenance Of Various C And I System And Associated Equipment Installed At Boiler, Turbine And Bop Area Of 2X250 Mw Units And 1X110 Mw Units Of Htps Kasimpur For A Period Of 02 Years - Work pertains to 2x250MW, DTPS (Preventive & Breakdown Maintenances) 2 PART-A Preventive maintenance:- 3 SAFE FLAME SCANNERS 4 HEA Igniter 5 240 VAC/220 VDC solenoid actuators for oil, steam, air & scavenge valve and 240VAC solenoidoperated gate 6 SADC (SECONDARY AIR DAMPER CONTROL) 7 Gravimetric RC Feeders 8 Max – DCS System 9 Pneumatics Actuator 10 Solenoid valves 11 POWER CYLINDER 12 UPS & BATTERY SYSTEM 13 Field Instruments 14 Hydrastep and its ckt. (BHEL vision -20M for drum level) 15 Annunciation system and Unit Control Panel 16 VMS System 17 HP Bypass & LP Bypass system 18 Turbovisory A)Vibration probes B)DifferentialC) Expansion probesD)Axial shift probesE)Speed sensor 19 Turbine control A) Turbine interlock and protection B)EHTC 20 Auxiliaries control A) Auxiliary interlock and protection B)Auto control loops 21 PART-BBreakdown maintenance:- 22 SAFE FLAME SCANNERS CALIBRATION 23 CHECKING OF IGNITOR SPARK TIP /CORNER 24 Gravimetric RC Feeders Calibration Assistant and Checking 25 Pneumatics Actuator 26 Solenoid valves 27 POWER CYLINDER 28 Field Instruments 29 REPLACEMENT OFELECTRODES IN HYDRASTEP 30 LIMIT SWITCH MAINTENANCE 31 ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS/STROKE CONTROLLER 32 Replacement ofvibration probe of VMS 33 Cable laying as and when required. 34 Breakdown maintenance fo 0.4 KV modules and closed loop circuit of Soot blower . 35 Checking, servicing/repairing of Limit Switches, push buttons, ON/OFF contacts and checking of control cable &power cable as and when required. 36 Overhauling of soot blower motors along with repairing of DE/NDE bearing seat, DE/NDE side motor end covers and key groove on rotor shaft. 37 Replacement of terminal plate , motor end covers , grease plate and groove key if found damaged. 38 Servicing/seal kit replacement of power cylinder of HAG & Feeder O/L gate, SADC & Burner tilt. 39 Servicing/calibration of positioner used in SADC, burner tilt. 40 Servicing/calibration of I/P used in SADC, burner tilt. 41 Servicing/calibration of air filter regulator, air lock relay used in SADC, burner tilt. 42 HP Bypass & LP Bypass system 43 Work pertain to 1x110 MW, CTPS (Routine , Preventive & Breakdown Maintenances) 44 Round the clock routine operation, checking, periodic logging, healthiness, safeness of C&I system in reserve condition of 1x110 MWUnit No.#07, Harduaganj Thermal Power Station,under jurisdiction of C&IMD-I, DTPS 45 Round the clock routine operation, checking, periodic logging, healthiness, safeness ofC&I system in reserve condition of 1x110 MWUnit No.#07, Harduaganj Thermal Power Station, under jurisdiction of C&IMD-II, DTPS 46 Round the clock operation,routine&Preventivemaintenance ofC&I system in running condition of 1x110 MWUnit No.#07, Harduaganj Thermal Power Station, under jurisdiction of C&IMD-I, DTPS 47 Round the clock operation,routine&Preventivemaintenance ofC&I system in running condition of 1x110 MWUnit No.#07, Harduaganj Thermal Power Station, under jurisdiction of C&IMD-II, DTPS 48 Up-keeping &Cleaningof allthe C&I equipment, including floor cleaning of various PLC/ UPS/ AC Rooms of UCR &/ EWS/Lab/ Battery/SWAS/AC Chiller plant & AHU RoomAnalyzerrooms etc. of 1x110 MWUnit No.#07, H.T.P.S., Kasimpur, as per scope of work under jurisdiction of C&IMD-II, DTPS 49 Work pertain to Preventive & Breakdown maintenance of Hirel-Hitachi make UPS System for DTPS & CTP 50 Preventive Maintenance Services, 06 Visits (Four Monthly)/(01 man x 2days/visit) as per scope of work for DTPS for a period of 02 years (Non Comprehensive AMC) related to C&IMD-I&II div. 51 Preventive Maintenance Services, 06 Visits (Four Monthly)/(01 man x 1days/visit) as per scope of work for CTPS for a period of 02 years (Non Comprehensive AMC) related to C&IMD-I div. 52 Breakdown Maintenance Services, 04 Visits (as and when required)/(01 man x 1days/visit) as per scope of work for DTPSas per site requirement for a period of 02 years(Non Comprehensive AMC) related to C&IMD-I&II div. 53 Breakdown Maintenance Services, 02 Visits (as and when required)/(01 man x 1days/visit) as per scope of work for CTPS as per site requirement for a period of 02 years (Non Comprehensive AMC) related to C&IMD-I div.