SPECIAL REPAIR FOR REPLACEMENT OFBER/OLD VINTAGE HT 11/0.433KV 300 KVA TRANSFORMER OF OFFICER MD ACCN ,JAYANT PARK SUBSTATION WITH 315 KVA CSS AND REPLACEMENT OFBER/OLD VINTAGE HT 11/0.433KV 750 KVA AND 160 KVA TRANSFORMER AT MAIN POWER HOUSE WITH 1000 KVA TRANSFORMER UNDER GE MINNIEBAY, SRI VIJAYA PURAM.; 1 Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 11 kV / 0.433 kV, 315 kVA OEM Factory Manufactured, factory tested ready to install and connections type Compact Substation with an outdoor enclosure, equipped with 315 kVA oil cooled Transfomer, ONAN type, energy efficiency level-2 as per IS 1180, 3 Way, 11 kV Motorised/Manual Ring Main Unit [SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear] consisting of 2 Nos, 630A 11 kVLoad Breaking Switch& 01 No 630A 11 KV VCBs SF6 Gas insulated Vacuum Circuit Breaker and with 630 Amps, Air Circuit Breaker as secondary side control complete with HT Cable interconnection in between Transformer and RMU and suitable sized Busbar between Transformer and LV Incoming Main Switchgear-ACB for full load output current of the transformer and Internal earthing connections by GI Strips all as a single transport unit complete all as specified as detailed below. 2 [b] Enclosure: Outdoor type Galvansied enclosure or CRCA sheet painting with two coats of epoxy powder paint over a coat of primer after undergoing a rigourous metal treatment process involving alkalinedegreasing, descaling in dilute sulphuric acid or any other acid and phosphate (seven tank process) having modular construction with 2mm thick Galvanized Sheet or CRCA sheet in Corrugated / Louvered design type wall design for better heat dissipation and providing robust construction. The degree of protection for HT & LT switchgear compartment shall be IP54 & degree of protection of transformer compartment of the enclosure shall be minimum IP34. The enclosure exterior shall be painted with polyurethane paint / epoxy powder coated and tropicalised to Indian weather conditions suitable for A&N Islands. Each compartment shall be provided with the door and pad locking arrangement. Doors of transformer compartment are fitted with Arc reflectors from the inside for providing better safety. The Compartment illumination lamp with door-operated switch shall be provided for each compartment. Structure of the substation shall be able to withstand the gross weight of all equipment. The Compact Substation shall be provided with lifting beams and hooks for easy installation at site and it shall be possible to transport the equipment along with Transformer, RMU & LT Panel from one site to another. Dimensions of enclosure shall be as per the components required and mentioned in BoQ. 3 [c] HT Switchgear [Inside Compact Sub-Station]: Three way 11KV, 630 Amps, 21 kA / 3 Sec Non-Extensible Ring Main Unit / Compact Switchgear with Copper Busbar, consisting of 630 Amps, Two Numbers [As incomer] fixed Manual & Motorised Load Break Switch & One Number Fixed Manual & Motorised SF6 insulated Vacuum Circuit Breakers [As Outgoing] in SF6 Gas insulated sealed for life in minimum 2 mm Thickness SS 441 stainless steel tankIP 67 degree of protection with Air Insulated Metering Module along with FRTU, One Number fault passage indicator shall be provided for each Load Break Switch with 1 NO + 1 NC Contact, One Number manometer shall be provided for each outgoing feeders, One set of 50/1A, 2.5 VA, Class 1.0 for metering & One set of 50 / 1A, 2.5 VA, CL 5P 10 Current Transformers and one number of Digital Multifunction Meter with RS 485 Port shall be provided for each VCB Feeders, One Set of 11 kV / RT3 / 110 / RT3, Class 1.0, 20 kVA PT shall be provided in Metering Module. Vacuum Circuit Breakers shall be with self-powered micro processor based Numerial Over Current and Earth Fault Relay having Charged Open / Closing Mechanism, On / Off Indicators, Mechanical Operation Counters etc. Interconnection between RMU and Transformer shall be using suitable Aluminium unarmoured 11 KV [UE]3runs X 1 Core X 95 Sq.mm XLPE cable. 4 [d] Transformer [Inside Compact Sub-Station]: 315 KVA, 11KV / 433V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, DYn11, ONAN Cooling, oil filled type, Copper Wound, CRGO Core Transformer with OFF load tap change over of range +7.5% to -7.5% in steps of 2.5% on HT side of transformer, having Primary Voltage [HT] 11 KV and Secondary Voltage [LT] of 433 Volts, Delta connected on 11 KV Side & Star connected on 433 Volts side, designed & constructed with particular reference to Tropical Condition, conforming to losses as per IS 1180 energy efficiency level-2 with latest amendment – 1 Nos.[e] LV Switchgear [Inside Compact Sub-Station]: 433 Volts, 50 Hz, indoor LV Panel with Aluminium Busbars [100% for Phase & 50% for neutral, of rating 1.5 times the transformer rated current fabricated using 2 mm thick CRCA Sheet Steel, Ingress Protection IP4X, Compartmentalised complete with internal wiring consisting of following:[i] Incomer: ACB, 630 Amps, 4P, 50 KA, 433 Volts, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, Fixed Manual/Motorised type with Microprocessor based O/L, S/C, E/F Release – 1 Nos[ii] Metering for Incomer:EM6433 Energy kWH Meter-01 No, LT Metering CT’s, 1000/ 1A, Cast Resin Type, Class - 0.2 – 1 Set (set of three), R, Y, B, ON, OFF, Trip LED Indicating Lamps – 1 Set, Control MCB, SP, 6 Amps – As required [iii] Outgoing: MCCB 400 Amps, TPN, 35KA, 433 Volts, 4P, 50 Hz, Fixed Manual type adjustable with Microprocessor based O/L, S/C & E/F release – 2 Nos 5 [iv] Metering for Outgoing: Digital Multifunction Meter with A, V, KW, KWH, PF, Class 0.5 with Port for each outgoing feeder, LT Metering CT’s, 400 / 1A, Cast Resin Type, Class - 0.5 – 1 Set, R, Y, B, ON, OFF, Trip LED Indicating Lamps – 1 Set for each outgoing feeder, Control MCB, 6A, SP – As required.[f] Compact Substation shall be outdoor Plinth Mounted Type. The rate quoted is deemed to be including the cost of Erection, Commissioning of Compact Substation and Civil work such as Construction of foundation of required size including trench for the cabling work etc. complete in all respectas per OEM design & recommendation . However the bidder shall furnish the foundation details for approval as per OEM recomendation before executing the work. [g] Compact Substation shall be complete with the internal interconnections & Earthing [GI] and extending of earth bar of Neutral and body terminals to the frame of the Compact Substation for connecting to the earth pits.[h] The bidder shall assemble the Compact substation at factory and no assembly of the same shall be allowed at site. Bidder shall be responsible for Installation & commissioning Compact substation. Technical data sheet of the Transformer, HV / LV Switchgear, Relay etc. shall be submitted for approval before placing the supply order.[j] The bidder shall supply suitable & required no. of HT & LT Cable termination kits along with Compact Substation for HT & LT Cable terminations. 6 [k] The Design for Internal Arc Fault shall be tested for 20KA for 1 Second as per IEC 1330/62271-202.[l] Pre-Dispatch Inspection: Bidder shall offer for pre-dispatch inspection at manufacturer site or e-testing as directed by accepting officer. The cost for the same deemed to be included in the quoted rsate. Only after the equipments are cleared by the department in writing, the bidder can dispatch the equipment. Routine tests shall be conducted and original test certificates shall be submitted at the time of Pre-Dispatch Inspection. [m] Commissioning Spares: Additional commissioning spares such as Digital Multifunction Meter – 1 Nos, Indication lamps – 3 Nos, Protection Relay – 1 Nos, Spring Charging Handles – 2 Nos and Panel Keys – 2 Nos shall be provided by the bidder. [n] Suppressors or other protection devices shall be provided, if required as per schedule of quantities, wherever the sub-station installation is likely to interfere during the operation with any other electric or electronic equipment.(p) The rate is inclusive for cement concrete foundation all as per manufacturers recommendations / design.(q) Pre-commissioning test by AEI/ ESO or any testing officer as nominated by HQ CE (A&N) Zone through Accepting Officer after installation of RMU. (r)The Contractor shall submit GA drawings of CSS for approval of Accepting Officer before placing order. 7 Supply & fix cable jointing kit for 11 KV grade XLPE cable for Indoor end termination cold shrinkable type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE, armoured, Al conductor cable of size 120 Sqmm to 185 sqmm, testing after jointing including taking down defective end joint complete all as specified and as directed. 8 Taking down of unserviciable old LT UG Cable of any size and any type complete all as specified and directed . 9 Suppy and laying in trenches / fixed on walls / passing through pipes, jointing and testing of electric LT cables, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured electric power cables with stranded aluminium conductors 1100 Volts grade of size 3.5 core 400 Sqmm complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge :-Note:(i) The rates shall be inclusive of Cable lugs at both ends of cable and straight through joint kits if necessary.(ii) Excavation earth, returning, re filling and end termination kits shall be measured and paid seperately.(iii) Insulation Resistance value of cable shall be recorded before and after laying of cable. 10 Supply & Laying of DWC (Double Wall corrugated) HDPE pipe ISI marked of outer dia of 120 mm polythylene including coupler & Bend with smoooth inernal and corrugated external surface for non pressue under ground cable complete all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 11 M & L for excavation in trenches any type of soil (soft/loose/hard/dense) not exc 1.5 mtr wide and not exc 1.5 mtr in depth for foundation, pipe, laying of cable etc not exc 10 Sqmtr on plan and not exc 1.5 mtr in depth and getting out complete all as specified and as directed. 12 M&L for returning filling in, including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm in soft/loose soil completeall as specified and as directed. 13 M&L for removing excavated materials (soil) to a distance not exceeding 50 meters and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 meters above the starting point all as specified and as directed. 14 S & F cable jointing kit for 1100Voltgrade cable for indoor / outdoor end termination joint kit, heat shrinkable type joint complete with jointing materials and accessories suitable for LT, XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 400 Sqmm 3.5 core complete all as specified and as directed. 15 Dismantling of 300 KVA transformer and shifting to MES store yard complete all as specified and as directed. 16 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of copper wound step up transformer, indoor type, oil immersed , naturally cooled ONAN, rated temperature rise in oil & winding 45/50 degree centigrade complete with standard fittings of capacity not less than 1000 KVA or nearest higher capacity as per latest IS 1180-2014, HT 11 KV, 3 phase, LT, 433V, 4 wire, 50Hz ofvector group Dyn-11 with off load tap changing device on HT side to vary secondary voltage from + 7.5% to-7.5% in steps of 2.5%, including cable box on LT and HT side , first fill of transformer oil, suitable mounting rails of appropriate gauge and other standard accesssories all as per IS:1180 (Part 1) : 2014 with maximum total losses as per energy efficiency level 3 of IS:1180 (Part 1) : 2014 and latest ammendments.Make: Bharat Bhijlee/ BHEL/ CG/ Schneider/ABB/Voltamp - vadodara/ ITE - GurgaonNote: The rate quoted deemed to be include the cost of the following:-a) Accessories such as magnetic oil level gauge, rating and diagram plate, monogram plate, explosive vent with daiphargm, thermometer pocket with thermometer, top filter valve, gun metal drain valve at bottom, Air release plug, Inspection cover, lifting lugs/hooks, earthing pads, bi-directional plain rollers, oil temperature indicator, winding temperature indicator, Buchholz relay with valve, marshalling box, silica gel breather & other standard accessories all as perIS:1180 (Part 1) : 2014 17 b) The transformer to be erected indoor/ inside sub station. Necessary transformer foundation shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rate. The rate quoted is also inclusive of making good distributed flooring/ surfaces all as directed.c) The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for pre-despatch inspection at manufacturer site or e-testing as directed by Accepting Officer and for pre-commissioning test by SEI/EI/ESO or any testing officer nominated by HQ CE (A&N) Zone through Accepting Officer in case of non - availability of SEI/ EI/ ESO. The cost for the same is deemed to be included in quoted rate. 18 Material and labour for earthingwith galvanised earth plate electrode 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm thick, burried directly in ground vertically to a depth of not less than 2.25 mtr below ground level connected to galvanised iron strip 32 mm x 6 mm by means of GI Welding made out of galvanised iron mild steel and 40 mm dia GI pipe light grade for protection of earth lead, 20 mm dia GI pipe for watering and earth plate surrounded by packed layer of coaland common salt, 15cm thick all around bottom and top, watering pipe of20 mm bore of light grade with funnel all as shown in electrical plate No 3 ofSSRPart-I (2009) and connecting to earthing test point, main switch board/ transformer neutral and testing on completion as directed including earthing pit in PCC (1:3:6) type C-1,pre-cast reinforced cover with MS XPM Jalli, RCC 1:1.5:3 cover slab of size 450 x 450 x 100 mm with one handle made out of 8 mm dia round bar, wire mesh and testing complete all as specified and as directed including dismantling old defective earth pit. 19 Note: (i) Cost of GI earth Strip and GI protection pipe upto 7.5mtr length shall be deemed to be included in the rate quoted for this item.(ii) The unit rate shall also includes for Wire mesh, funnel, excavation.returninng & filling. PCC chamber pit,RCC cover & test point.(iii) If the desired earth resistance is not achived during testing as per IS the complete earthing shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost and no extra claim shall be admissable. 20 Supply & laying Galvanised iron strip 32 x 6mm buried in ground for earthing including taking down complete all as specified and as directed. 21 Supply, layingin trenches/ ducts, fixed on walls,passing through pipes, testing & termination ofHT UG cable, XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cable (heavy duty) with stranded aluminium conductor 11 KV grade cable of size 3 core 120 Sqmm including taking down defective cable complete all as specified and as directed.Note:(i) HT end termination kits/ straight through joints shall be measured and paid separately. 22 Dismantling of 750 KVA transformer and shifting to MES store yard complete all as specified and as directed. 23 Dismantling of 160 KVA transformer and shifting to MES store yard complete all as specified and as directed.