Tender For Ramnagar Tanda To Sh 222 Road Vr 48 Km. 0/000 To 0/300 Tq. Majalgaon Dist. Beed - Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 metres including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness etc Comp. DSR I.No. 2.09 Pa.No. 23 2 Supplying hard murum/ kankar at the road site, including conveying and stacking complete. etc Comp. DSR I.No. 2.29a Pa.No. 25 3 Spreading hard murum/ soft murrum/ gravel or kankar for side width complete. DSR I.No. 2.30 a Pa.No. 25 4 Compacting the hard murum side widths including laying in layers on each side with vibratory roller including artificial watering etc. complete.DSR I.No. 2.31 a P.No. 25 5 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site,preading in uniform layers with motor grader / Paver on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 -- Plant Mix Method and Grading - II Material etc Comp. DSR I.No. 3.02 Pa.No. 6 Providing and laying in-situ M30 Grade unreinforced plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate( natural sand/ VSI grade finely washed crushed sand) conforming to IS 383, using fine and coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of MORTH Specification 2013, mixed in a batching and mixing plant/ non tilting mixer and Weigh batcher as per approved mix design, admixtures, transporting to site, spreading, laying with approved make paver,compacted and finished in a continuous operation, finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @0.6m X 0.6m centre to centre, admeasuring 80 mm at bottom and 40 mm at top with depth of 75mm and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other method approved by Engineer-in-charge. etc Comp. DSR I.No. 3.02 Pa.No.37 7 Excavation for foundation in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel, soft murum including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. ( By /manaual Means ) DSR I.No. 12.02 P.No. 84 8 Providing rubble filling of trap/ granite/ quartzite gneiss stones for foundations including filling voids with sand/grit and compaction etc complete.DSR I.No. 11.01 P.No. 81 9 Providing and laying in situ / ready mix / ready mix M10 cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal in foundation including necessary centering, formwork, bailing out water, compacting and curing etc. complete. (with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled with reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) with natural /artifical sand) DSR I.No. 12.25 P.No. 86 10 Providing and casting in situ / ready mix PCC M15 grade of trap metal for coping to head walls / parapet including centering, form work, compaction and curing etc. complete. (with reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) with SCADA with fine agreegates of required specifications (Natural sand / VSI sand finely washed etc )DSR I.No. 11.30 a P.No. 83 11 Providing, cutting, bending, hooking, tying and laying in position TMT FE 500 steel bars for reinforcement for all RCC works as per detailed drawings etc.complete. DSR I.No. 14.01 12 Providing selected hard murum filling including laying in layers of 15 to 20cmwithwatering and compacting etc. complete.DSR I.No. 11.24 P.No. 82 13 Royalty charges for sand 14 Royalty charges for other than sand 15 VQCC Testing Charges 16 II ) Compresive strength of cement concrete cubes ( set of 3 cubes ) 17 III) sieve analysis of Murum 18 IV) Mix Design 19 Add for GST charges 18% 20 Add 1% for Labour insurance 21 Add 1% for SQM charges