Bids Are Invited For Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1001 Hoist the boat making sure that bearing surfaces are adequately cushioned Docking duration 07 days; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1002 Clean the marine growth with wooden scrapper; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1003 Wash the underwater area with fresh water rub with grade 220 emery papers and smoothen the surfaces; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1004 Clean with mild detergent in fresh water Inspect for cracks and peeling of gel coat Repair if necessary; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1005 Touch up the antifouling paint as per paint scheme Paint Yard Supply; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1006 Clean all sea suction scoops and inspect for cracks; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1007 Clean the marine growth of shaft Propeller and Rudder; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1008 Measure and record the clearance of stern tube and P bracket bushes Rudder and Rudder jumping collar; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1009 Overhauling and pressure testing of the underwater valves and cocks including painting of valvesall material and spares yard supply i GS Pump Underwat.. , Repair Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1010 Clean the bilges and thoroughly inspect the structure to Main engine foundation Supports for distortion cracks and delamination; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1011 Check the tightness of foundation bolts of all auxiliary machineries; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HA1012 Marine Toilet Remove and clean all flexible pipes and refit with new clipsHand pumpsuction and discharge valve to be overhauledMake JABSCOModelCMPCT 24vDia.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WK507; HB1013 Dfender Crack and deterioration observed at Dfenders at various places to be renewed as per sampleLegth approx10 MtrEBD type rubber fender 75x75x40 mm; Se.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB1014 Cleaning and painting of bilges of following compartment to be carried out as per paint schemePaint yard supply i Engine Room 148 Sqm Approx ii Pum.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB 1015 Wheel House sofa Rexine is deteriorated and tear off at various places to be renewed as per samplelength 03 mtr height and breadth 05 mtr each; Service Pr.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB 1016 Wheel House Sofa and sitting area seat cover to be changed as per sample Length03 mtrheight and breadth 05 mtr eachQty02; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB 1017 Wheel House Sofa and sitting area Floor Mat is damaged To be renewed as per sample Area 12 SQm Mat PVC VINYL; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB1018 Wheel House Wash Basin Tap leaking drain pipe choked pipe to be chemically clean and tap to be reneweddia of pipe40mmMaterial MS Tap materialSS; Service Pr.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB1019 Wheel House rear window sun light protection film shading screen tear off at amny places to be replaced as per sample Area20 Sqm; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB1020 A wooden locker at crew cabin broken Hinges securing holes inlarge Locker to be repaired and sunmica sheet to be renewed Size1mtrx1mtrx05 mtr; Service Prov.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB1021 Ingress of rain water observed in bridge Crew cabin Engine room and pump room through window beeding Wire gland and securing bolt of stanchion Beeding to b.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; HB1022 Anchor and chain cable to be chip and clean and paint with two coats of anti corosive paint Make SEA Links Weight50 Kg Cable Length10 Mtr Dia10mm Paint and.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3001 Gear oil cooler to be chemically claeneed and pressure tested In way job include renewal of gasketO rings and 02 nos sacrificial anode TP 15 barQty02; Serv.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3002 AC sea water pump to be overhauled and proved for satisfactory operation Jobs include renewal of bearings Mechanicalseal and impeller MakeCrompton Greaves .. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3003 Checks all cooling coils for cleaniness and corrosion If the coils are dirty Clean with water sparay Soap solution and nylon brush and carryout pressure te.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3004 Fire Fighting system ModelNOVEC 1230 Following jobs to be undertaken in yearly routine a Check Manual operation b Calibrate all pressure device .. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3005 Following sewa water syatem valve to be removed overhaulked and pressure tested All material and spares Yard supply a Bilge syatem valve 40 NB TypeSDN.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3006 Fresh water tank to be cleaned with liquid detergent Renew Man hole cover gasket; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3007 Fuel Oil tank to be cleaned inspect and paint the as per paint scheme Paint Yard Supply Renew Manhole Cover gasket; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3008 Fire Pump ot be overhauled and proved for satisfactory operation All spares and material yard supply Make CEM Model AM 512A; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EA3009 Bilge pump to be overhauled and proved for satisfactory operation All spares and material yard supply Make CEM Model AM 512A; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EB3010 Fresh water pump is not developing sufficient pressure Suspect excessive clearence between pump and impeller Pump to be overhauled and proved for satsifac.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EB3011 Quick Shutt off valve cover of firemain syatem broken to be fabricated as per sample Material FRP Sheet Saize04x08x12 inches; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EB3012 Securing Clamps of Sw Fw and fuel syatem coroded and deteriorated to be renewed as per sample a Dia12 inches Qty06 MaterialSS b Dia10 inches Qty06.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; EB3013 04 nos gland bush stud of port and stbd shafting thread wornout Stud to be fabricated and fitted as per sample Dia14 mm Length72 mm MaterailSS; Service Pro.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; LA5001 Engine Room supply fans with motors 02 Nos to be overhaul and bearings to be replace Make CEM Model VE35230M; Service Provider , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; LA5002 05 in no Battery Charger to be overhauled and proved for satisfactory operation all spares and material yard supply MakeVICTRON ENERGY ModelBLUE SMART IP67.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - WB507; LA5003 Window Wiper Overhaul the window wiper motor and gear assembly Replace bearings if required Wiper blade to be changed as per sample All spares and materia.. , Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments Total Quantity :