Tender For Set Of Split Pin Cotter [Assorted] To Is : 549/74 [Consisting 5 Items As Given Below] Total 698 N ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Set Of Split Pin Cotter [Assorted] To Is : 549/74 [Consisting 5 Items As Given Below] Total 698 Nos In One Set. A] 3.2 X 45Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty. B] 10 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. C] 13 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 4] 10 X 71Mm = 16
Supply Of Set Of Split Pin Cotter [Assorted] To Is : 549/74 [Consisting 5 Items As Given Below] Total 698 Nos In One Set. A] 3.2 X 45Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty. B] 10 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. C] 13 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 4] 10 X 71Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 5] 5 X 50Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty [Total 698 Nos.In One Set]Set Of Split Pin Cotter [Assorted] To Is : 549/74 [Consisting 5 Items As Given Below] Total 698 Nos In One Set. A] 3.2 X 45Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty. B] 10 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. C] 13 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 4] 10 X 71Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 5] 5 X 50Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty [Total 698 Nos.In One Set],Set Of Split Pin Cotter [Assorted] To Is : 549/74 [Consisting 5 Items As Given Be Low] Total 698 Nos In One Set. A] 3.2 X 45Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty. B] 10 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. C] 13 X 112Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 4] 10 X 71Mm = 16 Nos Per Set Qty. 5] 5 X 50Mm = 325 Nos Per Set Qty [Total 698 Nos.In One Set] [ Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery ] [Quantity Tolerance (+/-): 5 %Age , Item Category : Normal , Total Po Value Variation Permitted: Max 8 Lacs ] ]
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