Tender For Proposed Civil Works At Iit Dharwad Branch, 1 DEMOLITION OF WALLS : Dismantling of existing structures like wall and other structures comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material debris and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts dismantling Sqm 2.000 2 PCC WORKS: Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of Mix 1:2:4 with OPC @ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregates @ 0.459cum machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM curing complete as per specifications Cum 1.00 3 Providing and constructing 150mm thick walls with cement concrete solid blocks confirming to ISI code No.2185 with a crushing strength of not less than 35Kg.Sqcms. mixed in CM 1:4 including all scaffolding, ladders, platforms and staging and plant required for the execution of the work. Bearing blocks of concrete or brick in mortar courses will have to be introduced where required. including lintel with reinforcement
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