Tender For purchase of Biomedical Waste Items - Polythene Bag (Black, Red & Yellow) Size 29"x39" Material Make/Modal:- (LDPE Bags made from virgin non- chlorinated polymer material. Thickness of sheet shall be minimum 120 micron Leak proof, Seamless except at bottom, Autocavable, incinerable, preferably biodergradable) Requierments/Certification:- Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant IS code & BMW rules 2016 as per Govt. of India Notification Manufacture of BMW bags have pollution control board. Certificate and accreditation with reputed Government national or international agency. ISO Certified, Certification of thickness for supplied lot or batch of pack should be attached from authorised testing agencies Marking:- Each bag shall be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on both side, "Super Speciality Hospital Kota" with hurcode Polythene Bag (Black, Red & Yellow) Size 18"x24" Material Make/Modal:- (LDPE Bags made from virgin non-chlorinated polymer material. Thickness of sheet shall be minimum 120 micron Leak proof, Seamless except at bottom, Autocavable, incinerable, preferably biodergradable) Requierments/Certification:- Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant IS code & BMW rules 2016 as per Govt. of India Notification Manufacture of BMW bags have pollution control board Certificate and accreditation with reputed Government national or international agency. ISO Certified, Certification of thickness for supplied lot or batch of pack should be attached from authorized testing agencies. Marking Each bag shall be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on both side, "Super Speciality Hospital Kota" with barcode Polythene Bag (Black, Red & Yellow) Size 29"x39" Material Make/Modal:- LDPE Bags made from virgin non-chlorinated polymer munerial. Thickness of sheet shall be minimum 55 micron throwout Leak proof, Seamless excegt at bottom, incinerable, preferably biodergradable and tear resistant. Should be able to withstand with maximum filling capacity of wate weigh) Requierments/Certification:- Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant IS code & BMW rules 2016 as per Govt. of India Notification Manufacture of BMW bags have pollution control board Certificate and accreditation with reputed Government national or international agency. 150 Certified, Certification of thickness for supplied lot or batch of pack should be attached from authorized testing agencies Marking:- Each bag shall be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on both side, "Super Speciality Hospital Keta" with barcode. Polytheur Bag (Black, Red & Yellow) Size 18"x24" Material Make/Mudal:- (LDPE Bags made frum virgin non-chlorinated polymer material. Thickness of sheet shall be minimum 55 micron throwout Leak proof, Seamless except at bottom, incinerable, preferably bindergradable and tear resistant. Should be able to withstand with maximum filling capacity of wate weigh) Requierments/Certification:- Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant IS code & BMW rules 2016 as per Govt. of India Notification Manufacture of BMW bags have pollution control board Certificate and accreditation with reputed Government national or international agency. ISO Certified, Certification of thickness for supplied lot or batch of pack should be attached from authorized testing agencies. Marking:- Each bag shall be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on both side, "Super Speciality Hospital Kota" with harcode. Non Releasable Cable Tie Material Make/Modal:- (Hard plastic/once ted cannot be release without cutting/with maximum bundle cable diameter of 1.77 inch/8 inch length and 0.19 inch width) Requierments/Certification Material sheet ased shall preferably match ali mquirements under relevant IS code & Product must be ISO Certified. Maricing Marking in mm throughout length of Strip lue Container Bas 12 Litre Material Make/Modal:- Puncture proof tamper proof leak proof container, should be made of virgin polypropylene and should be Rectangular in shape Should be a Incking sumup-top cap to ensure permanent safe locking before disposal and should have temporary locking facility for safety till the container is full. Shall be autoclavable and recyclable Maximum till level must be marked on the container Size 1.255mm x W172mm x H357mm Requierments/Certification:- Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant IS code & must Comply with the Bio Medical Waste Management Rules 2016 amended rule 2018. Product must be ISO Certified. Marking- Blue ink placing of bio hazard symbol on all side/placing label for transportation/'mentioning "containing broken glassware on one sido bharcode placing one side White Sharp Container 6 Litre Material Make/Modal:- (Plastic (translucent) puncture. Leak & tamper. Proof (HDPE) non-chlorinated plastic container/design in such a way that retrieval of itams once dropped shall not be possible without breaking the container) Requierments/Certification:- Maurial sheet used shall preferably manch all requirements under relevant IS code & Product mait be 150 Certified. Marking:- Placing of biohazard symbol on all side. Waste Segregation System 3 Compartment (60 Litre Each Bin) Material Make/Modal:- Three Compartment waste segregation system (Red, Yellow, and Black). Stainless Steel frume and trolly castors (High Quality Durable Material with lock system with SS Foot Operating System. One Autoclaves and environment friendly reusable plastic bins us per BMW colour coding. Must be incenerable and inter-changble as and when required without use of tools. The top of the lid must be plain and clean not having any handie or cavity to avoid colonization of germs. The Lids must have labels with regard to type of waste to be collected as per BMR Rules. The lidi must have four side locks for safety during movement handle must be of drop type and do not touch ground to ensure less space occupied by trolly. Requierments/Certification:- Shert used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant 15 code, Placing of biohazard symbol on all sido barcode placing on one side "Super Speciality Hospital Kota". Product must be ISO Certifled.. Stainless steel (ss) body with plastic bins capacity 60 lit each bin size: 139mmXW340mmX H350mm Needle and Syringe Hub Destrover with Container (4 Litre) Material Make/Modal Single band operation needle range-18G to 26 G with length 6.5" to 1.5" in put voltage-220-240V with inbuilt detachable metal waste collection Should be able to cut both the hub and needle in a single stroke without the use of any electricity or battery. The cutier should be made of stainless steel or alloy to be effective for minimum 2,00,000. cuts warranty The complete unit must have facility to mount on wall or table(Flat Surface) The cutter should be able to fit snugly over the puncture proof tamper proof sharp transparent container and should be so aligned with the container that the cut hub and needle should drop itheactly into the container Should be compatible to be sharp container of relevant sizes/capacity. The container should be compatible with huh cutter with corresponding size of frame and replaccable with new container after previous container get fill. The container should be made of virgin polypropylene and should be whitz & translucent It should be puncture proof,tamper proof and leak proof for sharp medicul waste with appropriate label. Should be a locking snap-top cap to ensure permanent safe locking before disposal and should have temporary locking facility for safety till the container is full The punnture proof, tamper proof sharp container should be able to fit smugly with the cutter and should be so aligned with the cutter that the cut hub and needle should drop directly into the container Shall be autoclavable and recyclable. Maximum fill level must be marked on the container Requierments/Certification:- Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant 15 code & Product must be ISO Certified as per provisions of Bio Medical waste Management Rules 2016. Placing of biohazard symbol on all side. Font Operated Dustbin 60 Litre (Red. Black & Yellow) Material Make/Modal:- (HDPE (High density polyethylens) dutbin made of strong and smoth plastic non-chlorinated/Foctoperated lid) Size 2801.x2808x555H in mm.(Approx.) Requierments/Certification:- Material Sheet used shall preferable match all requirements under relevant 15 code & Product must be ISO Certified. Marking:- Each bin shell be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on all side, "Super Speciality Hospital, Kota" with barcode Foot Operated Dustbin 30 Litre (Red, Black & Yellow) Material Make/Modal:- (HDPE (High density polyethylem) duthin made of strong and smoth plastic non-chlorinated/Footoperated lid) Size-Standard Requierments/Certification:- Material Sheet uned shall preferable match all requirements under relevant IS code & Product must be ISO Certified Marking:- Each bin shell be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on all side, "Super Speciality Hospital, Kota" with barcode Hood Type Outdoor Dustbin Material Make/Modal:- (HDPE (High density polyethylens) duthin made of strong and smooth plastic non-chlorinated) Requierments/Certification:- 2 Material sheet used shall preferably match all requirements under relevant IS code & Product must be ISO Certified. Marking:- Each bag shell be marked with Bio hazard sign & label on both side. Heavy Duty Hand Gloves Pair Requierments/Specification:- Puncture proof material,cut resistant water chemicals. Oil and acid resistant univernal standard size Gumboots No. Requierments/Specification: PVC Boots resistant to oil fins and corrosive chemicals Should have respective Number sien. Should be made of strong heavy duty puncture proof. High quality material. Laundry Cart Requierments/Specification:- Durable with high structural strength. Comfortable grip while handling Ensuring stability while loading and transferring Stable and Strudy Laundry Carts Mild Steel Trolly with wheels for load bearing. Extra strength due to mild Steel trolley. Moulded top shoulder provide comfortable grip while handling. Size & Capacilty 1.127 cm x W80cm x H60cm & 430 Litre.