Acquisitions Of Perishable And Non -Perishable Foodstuffs, Intended For School Meals Of The Municipality Of Ibiassuce Bahia.. Chocolate, Sugar, Benefited Rice, Benefited Rice, Coffee, Legume, Legume, Milk Powder, Milk Powder, Noodles, Noodles, Edible Vegetable Oil, Salt, Vinegar, Cookie, Cookie, Fresh Beef, Salted Meat, Salted Meat, In Natura Bird, Fresh Bird Meat, Fresh Pork Meat, Fresh Bird Meat, Fresh Beef, Embedded, Embedded, Food Mixture, Starch, Benefited Oats, Grated Coconut, Tomato Pasta, Benefited Oats, Wheat Flour, Cornmeal, Cornmeal, Natural Yogurt, Vegetable Fat, Corn, Popcorn Corn, Canned Vegetable, Soybean Protein, Pickled Fish, Juice, Spice, Bread, Cookie, Sweetener, Food Mixture, Condiment , Condiment, Yeast, Condiment, Egg