Tenders are invited for Rehabilitation of the Botor Borehole Water Supply System, Gebiley district, Somaliland Description: The Botor Borehole located in Gebiley district (approx. GPS: 9.694349° North and 43.529349° East at an elevation of about 122m amsl), just about 1 km off the Gebiley -Wajale Highway. the borehole was drilled in 2008 to a depth of 163m bgl and installed with 8" uPVC casings, the borehole has a SWL=40m and Q=28m3/hr (EC=2000µS/cm). It was installed with an 18.5kW pump using 2" GI pipes at 140m bgl. The borehole serves about 400 households in its immediate vicinity and their livestock, and the water is also connected to the main supply lines to both Gebiley town and a nearby Iljiwaaji village located some 5 km away. There is no elevated tank, kiosks or animal watering troughs. The water is therefore usually pumped directly from the borehole to the mentioned locations. The local community around the borehole also use water for agricultural irrigation applications. Therefore, the rehabilitation aims to install full Solar system in Botor borehole to make it hybrid as well as construction elevated water tank, pipeline system and animal troughs as well as water kiosk to provide easy accessibility of the borehole water. This Tender aims to undertake the necessary rehabilitation required to enhance water supply and WASH services for the supported communities site. Invitation Start Date: 29th January 2025 Application Deadline: 12thFebruary 2025 Submission of Tenders: Completed, Signed and Stamped tender bid documents should be scanned and saved in PDF format and sent by email to: Tenders@adrasom.org by or before 12th February 2025. The title of the email should be: Rehabilitation of the Botor Borehole Water Supply System, Gebiley District All tender emails received after the close of business on 12thFebruary 2025 will not beconsidered. IMPORTANT: Offers submitted in any other manner than that indicated above will not be considered. How to apply Completed, Signed and Stamped tender bid documents should be scanned and saved in PDF format and sent by email to: Tenders@adrasom.org by or before 12th February 2025. Tender Link : https://somalijobs.com/tenders
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