Indicator strip of gas sterilization control internal indicator No. 1251 or analogue,Biological indicator,Cartridge with ethylene oxide 100.0,Rolls of packaging material for gas sterilization, one side paper, second transparent, flat, universal for manual and machine sealing,Rolls of packaging material for gas sterilization, one side paper, the second transparent with a fold, universal for manual and machine sealing,Sterilization indicator (indicator tape) external indicator of ethylene-sistilization control 1224-6 (0) or analogue,Self -adhesive tape with a sterilization indicator of water steam under pressure,Self -adhesive tape with an indicator of sterilization by the air method,Packaging material for sterilization: roll with a fold for UZ VOKB,Packaging material for sterilization: roll with a fold for UZ VOKB,Packages of packaging material for ethylenexide and steam sterilization flat self -imprinting 100 pieces in packaging,Craft packages of packaging material for steam and air sterilization flat self-imprinting 100 pieces in packaging
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