Tender For Lac-Ads-Manappadam Kundatt Road ,Mathottam-Beypore-General Civil Work - Drain 2 ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Lac-Ads-Manappadam Kundatt Road ,Mathottam-Beypore-General Civil Work - Drain 2 For Structuresearthwork In Excavation For Structures As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications Clause 305.1 Including Setting Out, Construct
Tender For Lac-Ads-Manappadam Kundatt Road ,Mathottam-Beypore-General Civil Work - DRAIN 2 for StructuresEarthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material.I. Ordinary soil(i) Upto 3 m depth 3 concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203I. P.C.C grade M 10(i) Nominal mix 1:3:6 4 concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 II. P.C.C grade M 15(i) Nominal mix (1:2.5:5) 5 Plain cement concrete for wearing coat CC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 fine aggregate:4 course aggregate) laid to required slope as required including compaction, finishingand tamping etc .complete. Max. size of course aggregate not exceeding 25mm , mixedin concrete mixer etc complete as per specification (i) Nominal mix (1:2:4) 6 11.8:Supplying, fitting and placingTMT bar reinforcement in foundation complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clauses 1000 and 1202 7 11.4.4:Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 IV. R.C.C grade M 20 8 75.8.1:Providing Plain cement concrete for road work CC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 fine aggregate: 4course aggregate) laid to required slope and camber in panels (@ 3 m c/c) as requiredincluding compaction, finishing and tamping etc .complete. Max. size of courseaggregate not exceeding 25mm , mixed in concrete mixer etc complete as perspecification (i) Nominal mix (1:2:4) 9 OD160225/2024-2025:Engaging Labour for Shifting precast slab 10 OD160226/2024-2025:Providing and fixing of good quality granite name board with lettering including of all cost conveyance,labour charges etc. complete. 11 OD160228/2024-2025:Item Shifted to Sub head 14 as item 14.73 Item Shifted to head 14 as item 14.74 Steel work welded in built up sections /framed work ,including cutting ,hoisting ,fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc.as required . In gratings ,frames ,guard bar ,ladder ,railings ,brackets ,gates and Similar works (Modified DAR 10.25.2) 12 OD160229/2024-2025:Modified OD of 4.11.2-GSB without machine rolling Granular sub-base/base/surface course with local materials (Table 400.13) by mix in place method normal. Construction of granular sub-base by providing local material spreading in uniform layers with manual means on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at once and compacting with manual meansto achieve the desired density complete as per Clause 401.4 as per Technical Specification Clause 408. (ii) Using Gravel mix soil.
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Office of SE, Kozhikode Corporation PH-2366875 email- cekozhikodecorporation@gmail.com
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