Tender For Annual Rate Contract For Removing Of Leakage In Sub Division Ramgarh - 1 PHED JAISALMER O&MBSR 2020 2 PHED O&M BSR 2020 1.1 Repairing of leakage in existing Distribution/ Rising /Main/ Transmission Main AC/PVC/HDPE pipe Line up to 1.5 mtr depth of sizes as given below by digging out suitable size of pit at site of work including taking out the burst pipe from trench, dewatering and providing adequate safely arrangement at site. This will also include cutting of pipe ends, fixing of pipe piese with jointing material, tightening of CID Joints to make repair leak proof and then refiling of execavated tench / Pit / Road shall be done properly ie after a layer of 20cm with proper watering and ramming in layer for entire job contractor will use his own T&P & Labour and will arrange transportation of material required from Jen store (Required material such as pipe peice, CID joints shall be provided by department free of cost) 3 PHED O&M BSR 2020 1.1.1 In all Type of Soil AC/PVC/HDPE Pipe 4 PHED O&M BSR 2020 50/63/75 mm 5 PHED O&M BSR 2020 80/90 mm 6 PHED O&M BSR 2020 100/110 mm 7 PHED O&M BSR 2020 125/140 mm 8 PHED O&M BSR 2020 150/160/180 mm 9 PHED O&M BSR 2020 1.2 Repairing of leakage in existing Distribution/ Rising /Main/ Transmission Main CI/MS/DI pipe Line up to 1.5 mtr depth of sizes as given below by digging out suitable size of pit at site of work including taking out the burst pipe from trench, dewatering and providing adequate safely arrangement at site. This will also include cutting of pipe ends, fixing of pipe piese with jointing material, tightening of CID Joints to make repair leak proof and then refiling of execavated tench / Pit / Road shall be done properly ie after a layer of 20cm with proper watering and ramming in layer for entire job contractor will use his own T&P & Labour and will arrange transportation of material required from Jen store (Required material such as pipe peice, CID joints shall be provided by department free of cost) 10 PHED O&M BSR 2020 1.2.1 In all Type of Soil 11 PHED O&M BSR 2020 80 mm 12 PHED O&M BSR 2020 100 mm 13 PHED O&M BSR 2020 125 mm 14 PHED O&M BSR 2020 150 mm 15 PHED O&M BSR 2020 VALVE6.3 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line, CI double flanged swing type Non Return Valves (NRV) of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS: 5312 (part -1)/ 2004 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Cover& disc of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200. Face to face dimensions as per IS 5312 (part -1):2004 , Flanges Drilled as per IS:1538. All exposed machined ferrous surfaces shall be painted with one coat of aluminium red oxide primer conforming to IS:5660and two coats of black Japan paints conforming toType B of IS 341or paint conforming to IS9862 or IS2932( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) applied inside and outside. Body seat ring of SS/CS Door face ring - EPDM/ Neoprene (food grade quality),Shaft of HTB1/ SS- AISI- 410, Hinge Malleable cast iron / SS AISI 316/410 ,Bonnet Gasket EPDM, Bush-LeadedtinBronze/PTET, Gasket EPDM/NBR ,Nut-Bolt as per IS:1363 and IS: 1367 (galvanised steel) ,Insersion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitable support structure as per directions of EIC including jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipeline as per Technical Specification & as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work 16 PHED O&M BSR 2020 VALVE6.3.1 Class PN 1.0 17 PHED O&M BSR 2020 VALVE6.3.1.1 80 mm dia 18 PHED O&M BSR 2020 VALVE6.3.1.2 100 mm dia 19 PHED REVISED BSR 2023 20 Providing and fixing of flanged/ plain ended MS Specials made from MS sheet strips of relevant IS specification of approved thickness by welding, lowering, laying, aligning, fixing in position at all level/ depths in trenches complete including all taxes, material, labour, inside lining, outside coating, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per technical specifications and direction of Engineerin- charge. MS pipe specials up to 600mm dia (with minimum 5mm thickness sheet) 21 Providing, lowering, laying and jointing in trenches, standard lengths HDPE ISI marked Pipes as per IS-4984: 1995 (amended up to date) with necessary jointing material like mechanical connectors, i.e. thread/ insert joint/ quick release coupler joint/ compression fitting joint or flanged joint and specials jointing pipe by electro fusion welding method, including all taxes , transportation an freight charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges, stacking of pipes, including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.), satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection, commissioninetc. complete as per technical specifications and direction of Engineerin- charge of following class and diameter. (excluding earth work) . Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid separately.Supply may be in coil or straight length in 6 M/12 M. 22 HDPE PE-80 PN-6 23 75 mm dia 24 90 mm dia 25 110 mm dia 26 125 mm dia 27 140 mm dia 28 Providing,lowering, aligning,fixingin positionin pipeline,CID/FSluicevalvesstraight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following Pressure rating & dia complete, confirming to IS:14846 (amended up to date) and of following specifications: Body, Bonnet, Wedge, Gland, Thrust Plate, Cap & Hand wheel of Grey cast iron of IS:210/ FG200Stem - AISI- 410 ,Body Seat ring, Wedge facing ring & Bushes - LTB2/ SS, Face to face dimensions as per IS 14846/2000 (amended up to date) ,Epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) applied inside and outside,Flanges Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367/ CS/ galvanised steelInsertion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick . Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work. 29 Manually Operated CI Sluice valve of Class PN-1.0 30 80 mm HW 31 100 mm HW 32 125 mm HW 33 150 mm HW 34 200 mm HW 35 250 mm HW 36 300 mm HW 37 PHED BSR 2012Providing lowering laying and jointing uPVC Pressure pipes (Elastomeric sealing ring type) including excavation in all type of soil with rubber ring of SBR quality for jointing, including all local and central taxes, transportation freight charges, loading and unloading conveyance to site and stacking the same, cost of all labour material with required CI/PVC specials like bend, tees, joints etc and giving satisfactory Hydraulic field testing and commissioning as per prevailing PHED specification including Disinfection etc complete for follwing nominal diamter (OD)PVC Cl-3 (6 Kg/ cm2) including connecting with existing system. 38 PHED BSR 2012 63 mm dia 39 PHED BSR 2012 75mm dia 40 PHED BSR 2012 90 mm dia 41 PHED BSR 2012110mm dia 42 PHED BSR 2012 125mm dia 43 PHED BSR 2012140mm dia 44 PHED BSR 2012 160 mm dia